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Exceptions and Logs Management


You can display application log entries in the Logs view with the following details:

  • Model instance ID: identifier of the model instance, which executed the Log task that generated the log message
  • Timestamp: date and time when the log message was created
  • Level: severity of the log message (info, debug, or error)
  • Description: log message content

Note: Availability of these logs does not depend on the CREATE_PROCESS_LOG database setting: this setting is related to the availability of module runtime data, which is displayed, for example, in the Model Instance views.


The LSPS Server returns an exception when a component of a model instance cannot perform the required action, for example, if data is missing, or entry data does not correspond with the expected data (a model throws an exception with the error() call, refer to Exception Handling).

The list of such exceptions is displayed in the Exception Handling view with their details:

  • ID: unique exception identifier
  • Component: component which generated the exception
  • Creation Time: time when the exception occurred
  • Resend: time when the task that regenerated the exception was executed successfully
  • Exception: exception message

In the view toolbar in the upper-right corner, the buttons for the following actions are available:

  • Remove ( ): removes the selected exception entry.
  • Resend ( ): resends the request.
  • Export to File ( ): saves one or multiple exceptions in a text file.
  • Filter ( ): filters the content of the displayed list.
  • Refresh ( ): refreshes the view content.

You can copy multiple rows to the clipboard with Ctrl + c.

Exception Handling view
Double-clicking a table entry displays the respective exception detail view with detailed information about the selected exception and its complete stacktrace. From the detail view you can export the exception to a file: click the Export to File ( ) button in the view toolbar, to do so.

Exception detail