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Customizing Content and Layout

You can change the layout of the components of your Application User Interface as well as the components that appear in the application by editing LspsUI which extends Vaadin's UI component.

The underlying default component tree of the Application User Interface is as follows:

  • LspsUI that extends Vaadin's UI

    It represents the root component and holds the user info and connector to the LSPS server. It can contain only one AppLayout object as its child.

  • applayout: An AppLayout instance that extends CustomComponent and implements ViewDisplay

    Since it is a CustomComponent, it can have only one child component.

  • layout: A CustomLayout instance which loads the layout template <APP>-vaadin-war/src/main/webapp/VAADIN/themes/<THEME>/layouts/page.html.

    It holds the following layout components of the default Application User Interface:

    • navigation: NavigationMenu that holds the standard LSPS menu items
    • userMenu: NavigationMenu that holds custom menu items
Structure of the Default LspsUi

Implementing LspsUI

The components of the default application screen are defined in the vaadin.core package. The root screen component is defined in the LspsUI class that extends the Vaadin UI class.

Its init() method creates the content root layout and a connector between LSPS forms and your app, called the AppConnector, and calls the initLayout() method which assembles the screen content.

Therefore, if you want to change the components of the application, you will be mostly editing the initLayout() methods.

If you decide to implement the LspsUI class anew to create your own custom application, make sure it meets the following requirements:

  • It must declare the LSPS widget set for the Vaadin servlet.
    public class LspsUI extends UI implements ErrorHandler { ...
  • It must provide an implementation of LspsAppConnector. LspsAppConnector is an interface that defines the binding contract between the LSPS vaadin renderer and the rest of the application.
  • It must provide an implementation of LspsFormConnector. LspsFormConnector is an interface for a connector between a form and a view.
  • It must use JAAS for user authentication. The setting is available in the webapp project of the Default LSPS Application and that in the login.jsp and in the WEB-INF/web.xml.

Adding Item to the Navigation Menu

To add a custom item to the navigation menu, do the following:

  1. Open your file.
  2. Locate the //Examples: comment in the buildMenu() method: call the addDocumentItem() or addRunModelItem() method calls as appropriate to add your items to the menu.

    The examples demonstrate how to add custom items to the Navigation menu: to preview them, set the if condition to true, compile and run the application.

When adding custom items, consider whether the user permissions need to be taken into account: if this is required, use the respective methods, such as, User's hasRightToOpenDocument().

Adding Header and Footer

To add a footer or header to the content area of the application by modifying the Vaadin component tree, do the following:

  1. Create a Vaadin component with the header or footer.
    //example header defined as member variable of the AppLayout class:
    Component header = new Label("header");
    //example footer defined as member variable of the AppLayout class:
    Component footer = new Label("footer");
  2. Create a layout component that will hold the contentArea and the header or footer. The layout must have height set to 100% and expand ratio 1.
    VerticalLayout contentAreaWithHeaderAndFooter = new VerticalLayout(header, contentArea, footer);
    contentAreaWithHeaderAndFooter.setExpandRatio(contentArea, 1);
  3. Modify the mainLayout to hold the contentAreaWithHeaderAndFooter instead of the contentArea.
    mainLayout.addComponents(menuArea, contentAreaWithHeaderAndFooter);
    mainLayout.setExpandRatio(contentAreaWithHeaderAndFooter, 1);

Adding a Locale

To provide a new localization setting and sources, do the following:

  1. Create a properties file with the name localization_<LANGUAGE_CODE>.properties with the translations. Use one of the <YOUR_APP>-vaadin/src/main/resources/com/whitestein/lsps/vaadin/webapp/ file as a template for your properties file.
  2. Add the translation properties file to the <YOUR_APP>-vaadin/src/main/resources/com/whitestein/lsps/vaadin/webapp/ directory.
  3. Add the option to the language picker on the Settings screen: open the <YOUR_APP>-vaadin/src/main/java/org/<YOUR_APP>/<>/vaadin/page/ and add the definition to the createSettingsSection() method. The language code is based on the java.util.Locale class.
    private VerticalLayout createSettingsSection(LspsUI ui) {
      VerticalLayout settings = new VerticalLayout();
      Label settingsHeader = new Label("<h2>" + ui.getMessage("settings.applicationSection") + "</h2>", ContentMode.HTML);
      this.languages = new OptionGroup(ui.getMessage("settings.language"));
      languages.setItemCaption("en_US", English);
      languages.setItemCaption("de_DE", Deutsch);
      languages.setItemCaption("sk_SK", Slovensky);
      //Italian localization setting:
      languages.setItemCaption("it_IT", Italiano);
      return settings;
  4. Compile and redeploy your application if necessary.