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Applicable for components: UIComponent

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
no-text #"icon-only"
no-border #"l-border-none"
border-left #"l-border-left"
border-top #"l-border-top"
border-right #"l-border-right"
border-bottom #"l-border-bottom"
content-highlight #"l-highlighted"
content-emphasized #"l-emphasized"
content-grayed #"l-grayed"
allow-overflow #"l-overflow-visible"
border #"l-border"

Value of this hint ends up as a class attribute of the html element.


Applicable for components: Table

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True true

Allows one to select a row in a table.


Applicable for components: TableColumn

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True true
False (default) false

By default all table columns are collapsible. To prevent unwanted collapsing of important table columns use this hint.


Applicable for components: TableColumn

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Left "left"
Center "center"
Right "right"

By default the table header inherits its alignment from the child component. Using this hint, you can override this mechanism and specify the table header text alignment.


Applicable for components: ComboBox

Hint value type:Decimal

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
disable-lazy 0
default 10

Sets the page length for the suggestion popup. Setting the page length to 0 will disable suggestion popup paging (all items visible).


Applicable for components: TextBox

Hint value type:String

Adds suffix to this TextBox preserving existing layout. Used to show currency symbols or custom texts related to the input.


Applicable for components: UIComponent

Hint value type:String

Defines the name of an icon from the font Awesome, for example, "wpexplorer", "hand-o-up".


Applicable for components: UIComponent

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
100% #"100%"
10em #"10em"
Wrap Content #"wrap-content"
Fill Parent #"fill-parent"

Width of the component. The value can be expressed in any unit supported by vaadin - com.vaadin.terminal.Sizeable.Unit (px, pt, pc, em, ex, mm, cm, in, %).

Column width can be specified in pixels only.

Wrap-Content makes the component width wide enough to contain all children without overlapping. Equal to setting this value to null. Fill-Parent makes the component as wide as its parent. Equal to "100%".


Applicable for components: UIComponent

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
100% #"100%"
10em #"10em"
Wrap Content #"wrap-content"
Fill Parent #"fill-parent"

Height of the component. The value can be expressed in any unit supported by vaadin - com.vaadin.terminal.Sizeable.Unit (px, pt, pc, em, ex, mm, cm, in, %)

Wrap-Content makes the component width high enough to contain all children without overlapping. Equal to setting this value to null. Fill-Parent makes the component as high as its parent. Equal to "100%".


Applicable for components: TableColumn, UIComponent

Hint value type:Decimal

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Full 1

Sets the expand ratio for a column or component. This hint can only be applied to a table column or a direct child of vertical / horizontal layout (form layout is unsupported).

Expand ratios can be defined to customize the way how excess space is divided among columns in a table or among components in a vertical / horizontal layout. Table can have excess space if it has its width defined and there is horizontally more space than columns consume naturally. Excess space is the space that is not used by columns with explicit width or with natural width (no width nor expand ratio).


Applicable for components: UIComponent

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Top left (default) #"top left"
Top center #"top center"
Top right #"top right"
Middle left #"middle left"
Centered #"middle center"
Middle right #"middle right"
Bottom left #"bottom left"
Bottom center #"bottom center"
Bottom right #"bottom right"

Sets the alignment of the component.

This is applicable only for direct children of VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout, GridLayout and UITableColumn. When this hint is applied to the child of the UITableColumn this hint not only controls the child alignment, it also controls the column header alignment. You can override this with the header-align hint.

Aligning children of UITableColumn vertically is not supported, vertical aligns are ignored for these components.


Applicable for components: MultiSelectList, SingleSelectList

Hint value type:Integer

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
One row 1
Two rows 2
Three rows 3

Determines number of rows. If not specified (or set to 0), number of rows is determined implicitly.


Applicable for components: Popup

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True (default) true
False false

Sets the resizability of the popup window. If the hint is not used, popup is resizable.


Applicable for components: RadioButtonList,CheckBoxList

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Horizontal #"horizontal"
Vertical (default) #"vertical"

Determines layout of radio buttons, checkboxes. If not specified, vertical layout is used.


Applicable for components: TextBox, TextArea

Hint value type:Integer

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
255 characters 255

Sets the maximum number of characters in the field. If not specified or -1, unlimited length is considered.


Applicable for components: Table

Hint value type:Integer

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
10 rows per page 10
20 rows per page 20
30 rows per page 30
50 rows per page 50
100 rows per page 100

Number of rows per page of the paged table when it is first displayed. If not specified, 20 rows per page is considered.


Applicable for components: InputComponent, Button, ActionLink, NavigationLink, FileDownload

Hint value type:Integer

Value of this hint ends up as a tabindex attribute of the html element. Having two components with the same tabindex is not treated in any special way (i.e. tab order is undefined).


Applicable for components: InputComponent

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True true
False (default) false

If the value is true, this element will have initial focus. If multiple components have this property, behaviour is unspecified.


Applicable for components: NavigationLink

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True true
False (default) false

Determines whether the link target will be opened in current or new window.


Applicable for components: TableColumn

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
True true
False (default) false

If the value is true, table column is hidden by default.


Applicable for components: FileUpload

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
All files (default) null
Images #"image/*"
Videos #"video/*"
Sound files #"audio/*"

Restricts files which can be uploaded by mime type. Support varies by browser and thus it may be ignored.


Applicable for components: GridLayout, HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, TabbedLayout, Popup, Panel

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Enabled true
Disabled false

Enables/disables spacing of inner content. Default value for GridLayout, HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout is disabled, for TabbedLayout, Popup, Panel is enabled.


Applicable for components: GridLayout, HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, TabbedLayout, Popup, Panel

Hint value type:Boolean

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Enabled true
Disabled false

Enables/disables margin around this container, in case of TabbedLayout margin is around inner content. Default value for GridLayout, HorizontalLayout, VerticalLayout, Panel is disabled, for TabbedLayout, Popup is enabled.


Applicable for components: HorizontalLayout

Hint value type:String

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Numbered #"numbered"
Plain #"plain"
Disabled null

Enables breadcrumbs inside this layout. All ActionLinks will act like breadcrumbs.


Applicable for components: Table

Hint value type:Object

Predefined hint options:

Label Expression
Yes null

If specified, it disables writing warnings about in-memory sorting or filtering of more than 500 rows to the server log.


Applicable for components: TextBox

Hint value type:List<String>

Adds additional formats accepted by the date text box. Uses the Java SimpleDateFormat formatting.


Applicable for components: Table

Hint value type:String

A message which should be displayed in the table body when the table has no data.