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Importing an LSPS Application to PDS Workspace

To import an existing LSPS Application, do the following:

  1. On the command line, go to your application root.
  2. Optionally, clean up the file system: run mvn clean eclipse:clean.
  3. If required, rebuild the eclipse resources: run mvn eclipse:eclipse.
  4. Open PDS.
  5. Define the M2_REPO classpath variable: To create and set the M2_REPO variable, go to Window > Preferences; then Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables; click Add and define the M2_REPO variable, typically ~/.m2/repository/.
  6. Go to Import > Existing Projects into Workspace and select the root directory with the application projects.
  7. If your projects contain errors, refresh the projects: select all project, right-click the selection and click Refresh. Also consider cleaning the projects: go to Project > Clean.

    You can clean up and build your application from the command line with mvn clean eclipse:clean install eclipse:eclipse. and refresh the resources in your workspace, or you can use the Maven build launcher:


    Note If the imported application was generated from PDS, not from the command line, you can build the application with the the maven build launcher configuration in the <YOUR_APP>-embedded project: right-click it and select Run As > <YOUR_APP> Maven Build. Next time you can run the build the application from the Run menu or from the drop-down of the Run icon on the toolbar.