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Input Components

Input components serve to acquire input from the user: When the user provides input, the component produces a value change event, which can be caught by a value change listener and processed in the next response-request cycle.

Text Box

The Text Box component ( ) is rendered as single-line input field.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the component has changed content and loses focus (to process it also on focus loss; set the Immediate property to true)
  • ActionEvent when the user presses ENTER while the Text Box is focused
  • AsynchronousValueChangeEvent whenever the user inserts or removes a character

    Note that the binding of the Text Box does not have to change immediately due to possible validation; hence binding of the Text Box might appear to be out-of-date.

The Text Box component has the following properties:

  • Label: visible text label
  • Placeholder: input prompt (text displayed in the text box if the value of the Binding reference is null)
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the text value (for example, a form variable or global variable)

    If a Text Box binds to a Date type, it is rendered as the Date Picker: for the Date Picker you can define the format of the date the Date Picker will accept in the Format property. The available formats are defined in the additional formats hint.

  • Format: required input format for values such as, date, integer, etc. defined as a string; it follows the rules of java.util.Pattern, java.text.SimpleDateFormat, and java.text.DecimalFormat

    If the entered value does not follow the format pattern, a validation mark is displayed next to the Text Box.

  • Read-only: editability of the text

    If true, the text renders as grayed out and cannot be edited.

  • Immediate: setting of Immediate mode

    If true, the immediate mode is active: the value change event triggers request-response cycle on focus change.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Defining Suffix on a Text Field

To add a suffix to a Text Field component, such as, PCS, define on the Text Field the suffix Hints with the value of the suffix in a String. You can do so on the Presentation Hints tab of the Properties view.

Text Area

The Text Area component ( ) renders as multi-line text input Area to allow the user to provide longer text input.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the component contains changed content and loses focus (to process it also on focus loss; set the Immediate property to true)
  • AsynchronousValueChangeEvent whenever the user inserts or removes a character

    Note that the binding of the Text Area does not have to change immediately due to possible validation; hence binding of the Text Area might appear out-of-date.

The Text Area component has the following properties:

  • Label: visible text label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the text value (for example, a form variable or global variable)
  • Read-only: editability of the text
  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    If true, the immediate mode is active: the value change event triggers request-response cycle on focus change.

  • Placeholder: input prompt (text displayed in the text area if the value of the Binding reference is null)

    If true, the text area is grayed out and cannot be edited.

  • Is Rich Text: if true, the Text Area is rendered with a formatting toolbar

    The input text is translated into html.

    Important: Unlike Text Areas, Rich Text Areas don't produce AsynchronousValueChangeEvents.

  • Help text (on the Help Text tab): tooltip text

Check Box

The Check Box component ( ) renders as a check box with a Label and allows the user to provide a Boolean value.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the component was selected or unselected

The Check Box component has the following properties:

  • Label: visible label displayed next to the checkbox
  • Required: The property is not applicable for Check Box components.
  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the Boolean value (for example, a form variable or global variable)
  • Read-only: editability of the check box

    If true, the check box renders as grayed out and cannot be edited.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user clicks the check box, set the Immediate property to true.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Combo Box

The Combo Box component ( ) allows the user to select one option from a set of options available in a drop-down list. The selected option is stored and taken from the binding of the combo box.

Note: If the value stored in the binding is not in the current options, the value is not displayed.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option

The Combo Box component has the following properties:

  • Label: visible label above the combo box
  • Placeholder: input prompt (text displayed in the text field if the value of the Binding reference is null)
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the selected option value (for example, a form variable or global variable)
  • Read-only: editability of the combo box

    If true, the combo box renders as grayed out and no option can be displayed or selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user select an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Options: list of options

    The list items are displayed in the drop-down. Make sure the defined expression resolves to an object of type List<ui::Option>.

    Note that the Option data type has the value and label field so that you can define the label displayed in the drop-down list that represents the given value.

      { e ->
        new ui::Option(
           value -> e,
           label -> literalToName(e)
  • Create new option: closure that is called if the user enters a custom value

    When the user enters a custom value in the text field of the combo box, the closure is called with the value as its argument. The closure returns an object that is set to the binding value.

    Important: An event that creates a new option is created only when the user presses ENTER after they input the new value.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Lazy-Loading Combo Box

The Lazy-Loading Combo Box component allows the user to select one option from a set of options available from a drop-down list, just like the regular Combo Box. However, unlike in the Combo Box component, the options in the drop-down are paged and queried as the user enters parts of the option so the component is useful if you need to select an item from many options.

It produces:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option

When creating a Lazy-Loading Combo Box component, define the following properties:

  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: slot that holds the selected option value, such as a form or global variable
  • Read-only: editability of the combo box

    If true, the combo box renders as grayed out and is disabled.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user clicks an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Options: list of options

    The closure returns a List<Object>, where each list object represents an option. What is actually displayed as a label for the option is defined in the Formatter property.

    The closure has the following input parameters:

    • value in the text field (the value is a String and can serve to filter out the options in the drop-down list)

      Lazy-Loading Combo Box with no value in the text field
    • index of the first option (options of items starting from this index can be displayed)
    • displayed option count (the number of options from the first option to be displayed)
  • Option count: count of displayed options

    Make sure the defined closure returns an Integer value. Typically you want to use a count query.

    {code -> getCurrencies_count(code, null, null)}
  • Formatter: closure that returns a string that is displayed in the drop-down list

    The string represents the respective object from the Options.

    {c:Currency -> c.currencyCode}
  • Create new option: closure that is called when the user enters a custom value

    If the user enters a custom value in the combo text field of the combo box, the closure accepts the value as its parameter and returns it to the binding entity.

  • Placeholder: input prompt (text displayed in the text field if the value of the Binding reference is null)
  • Visible: whether the component is displayed (if not, the component is not initialized)
  • Help text: tooltip text in the Help Text tab

Creating a Lazy-Loading Combo-Box

Typically, a lazy-loaded combo box offers the available options as the user inputs characters: in the background, the options need to be loaded in batch required by the combo box.

Lazy-Loading Combo Box with options for the user input
To create such a lazy-loading combo box, do the following:

  1. Define the Binding property with the target slot for the selected option.
  2. Define the Options property so that the closure returns the results for what the user typed into the combo box. The user input is passed as the first closure parameter.
    userInput, firstPageItem, batchSize ->
       getCurrenciesContaining(userInput, firstPageItem, batchSize)
    In the example above, the query is defined so as to return:
    • only results that contain the user input, for example, you can define a standard query with a condition, such as, currentCurrency.code like userInput +"*"
    • and that in batches defined by the closure input parameters firstPageItem and batchSize
  3. Define the Options count property so that the closure returns the number of options returned by the Options property.
    {userInput -> getCurrenciesCountForFiltered(userInput)}
    Consider using the count query to obtain the options count.
  4. Define the Formatter property so that it returns the string displayed in the drop-down menu.
    { c:Currency -> c.code }
  5. Define the Placeholder property with the string that should be displayed if no option is selected. Alternatively, in the Formatter property handle the object for null value.

Single-Select List

The Single-Select List component ( ) is a form component that displays a list of options and allows the user to select exactly one option.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option (to process it also, set the Immediate property to true)
Single Select List in a Panel
  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the selected option value (for example, a form variable or global variable of the respective type)
  • Options: list of options

    The options are displayed as a vertical list. Make sure the defined expression resolves to an object of type List<ui::Option> object.

    Note that the Option data type has the value and label field so that you can define the label displayed in the drop-down list that represents the given value.

  • Read-only: editability of the Single Select List

    If true, the list renders as grayed out and no option can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Multi-Select List

The Multi-Select List component ( ) is a form component that displays a list of options and allows the user to select multiple options.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option (to process it also, set the Immediate property to true)
Multi-Select List
  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a set of objects that holds the selected values
  • Options: list of options

    The list is displayed in the drop*down menu. Make sure the defined expression resolves to an object of type List<ui::Option>.

  • Read-only: editability of the Multi Select List

    If true, the list renders as grayed out and no option can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Check-Box List

The Check-Box List component is a form component that displays a list of options with check boxes and allows the user to select multiple options using the check boxes.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option (to process it also at this point, set the Immediate property to true)
Check-Box List in a Panel component
  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a set of objects that holds the option values
  • Options: list of options

    The list is displayed as entries in the check list. Make sure the defined expression resolves to an object of type List<ui::Option> object.

  • Read-only: editability of the Check Box List

    If true, the list renders as grayed out and no option can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Radio-Button List

The Radio-Button List component is a form component that displays a list of options and allows the user to select exactly one option by clicking a radio button.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects an option (to process it also at this point, set the Immediate property to true)
Radio Button List in the Panel component
  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the selected option value (for example, a form variable or global variable of the respective type)
  • Options: list of options

    The options are displayed as a vertical list with radio buttons on the left. Make sure the defined expression resolves to an object of type List<ui::Option>.

  • Read-only: editability of the Radio Button List

    If true, the radio button list renders as grayed out and no option can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects an option, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Help text: tooltip text

Token Field

The Token Field component ( ) serves for selection of multiple options. Whenever the user selects or removes an option, the component fires a ValueChangeEvent.

The component is rendered by default as a combo box, so the user can click the arrow on the combo box to display the options. However, you can render the Token Field as a Text Field by setting its html-class presentation hint to tokentextfield.

  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the selected options

    Typically a form variable of the collection type that holds the same type as the option value, for example, Set<String>; mind that validation does not Check the object type in the set.)

  • Read-only: editability

    If true, the token field is grayed out and no option can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    If true, the Immediate mode is active: any value changes are processed immediately.

  • Options: list of options

    Option expression

      { x:Integer -> new Option(label -> "Option " + x, value -> "Value " + x) }

    The options are displayed when the user enters characters that appear in one of the option values.

  • Help text: tooltip text

    Define the Help text on the Help Text tab in the Properties view.


The Tree component ( ) allows the user to select a node from a expandable tree structure. The node is defined as a TreeItem object and can be expandable: When expanded, the Tree component produces a TreeEvent and tries to render child nodes:

  1. If the children property of the TreeItem are defined, the child nodes are obtained using this property.
  2. If the children property of the TreeItem is null, the Tree calls the closure defined in the Children property to acquire the child nodes.
When the user selects a node, the object defined in the data property of the TreeItem is stored in the Binding object and the Tree produces a ValueChangeEvent.

It produces events of the following types:

  • InitEvent when the component is initialized or displayed when previously hidden
  • TreeEvent when the tree node is expanded or collapsed
  • ValueChangeEvent when the user selects a node
Tree with Multiple Nodes Expanded
The Tree component has the following properties:

  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a slot that holds the selected tree option value (for example, a form variable or global variable)
  • Read-only: editability

    If true, the tree renders as grayed out and no option can be selected. The selection uses the value of the binding slot.

  • Root: collection of TreeItem that are root items of the tree
  • Children: closure that returns a list of tree items which are displayed when a node is expanded

It is called if the children property of a TreeItem is null.

  • Immediate: the setting of the immediate mode of ValueChangeEvents

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects a node, set the Immediate property to 'true'.

  • Help text: tooltip text

File Upload

The File Upload component allows the user to upload a file to the server. It renders as an input field for a file path and a Browse and Upload button.

File Upload
It produces events of the following events:

  • InitEvent produced when the component is initialized or displayed if previously hidden
  • ValueChangeEvent produced when the user inserts a file name
  • ActionEvent produced when the file upload is requested (on the upload button click)
  • FileUploadEvent produced when file has been uploaded

    Since file upload is an asynchronous process, on runtime, the component produces an ActionEvent when the upload button is clicked and an FileUploadEvent when the uploading finishes.

  • Label: visible label
  • Required: If true, a mark indicating that the value is required is rendered in the component.

    Important: The property does not provide any validation whether the field contains a value and the user will be able to submit a null value unless an additional validation mechanism is defined. Such a validation can be implemented on a listener, possibly as a validation expression.

  • Binding: reference to a set of objects that will hold the files
  • Read-only: editability of the File Upload

    If true, the component is disabled and grayed out and no file can be selected.

  • Immediate: setting of the Immediate mode

    To process the ValueChangeEvent at the moment the user selects a node, set the Immediate property to 'true'. In immediate mode, the Browse button is no longer be available and the user is prompted to select the file when they click the Upload button. When they select the file, the file is uploaded immediately.

  • Button text: label of the upload button
  • Multiple: setting for enabling upload of multiple files

    Important: This option is currently not supported since native HTML forms do not allow selecting multiple files in one window.

  • Upload to memory: If true, the file is uploaded to memory. If false, the file is uploaded to LSPS_BINARY_DATA table in the application database.
  • Delete temp data: if true, the files from the LSPS_BINARY_DATA are deleted when the respective HTTP session finishes, by default, when the user logs out. The setting is applicable only if Upload to memory is set to false.
  • Help text: tooltip text