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allVaadinIconNames() : List<String>
callNative(c* : FormComponent, method* : String, args : Object...) : ObjectSIDE EFFECT
Calls native method on given component. Please see the documentation of the method for more information.
callNative(c* : FormComponent, method* : String, args : List<Object>) : ObjectSIDE EFFECTDEPRECATED

Calls native method on given component. Please see the documentation of the method for more information.

DEPRECATED. Use callNative(FormComponent c, String method, Object... args)

clearDataErrorMessages(component : FormComponent) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Clear data error messages on the component and all it's descendant components. If no component is provided then this function starts with the root component and process all components in the hierarchy.

As a result, the getDataErrorMessages method of each form component in the hierarchy returns an empty list and getDataErrorMessagesRecursive returns an empty map.


  • component the root of the component sub-tree to walk through
downloadFile(resource* : FileResource) : String
The file will be downloaded by browser to desktop.
fontAwesome5Icon(iconName : String, codepoint : Integer, faClasses : String, inline : String) : String
getTimersDiagnostics() : List<String>
Returns information about all currently running timers. Format is not guaranteed and may change in the future.
localize(message : String, c : FormComponent) : String

Replaces all localizable substrings in the message parameter by the corresponding localized strings from the user's language.

Warning! Use this method only when need to localize messages which are not part of a document's/todo's saved state. If doing so the reopened saved document/todo with a user using different language will see the text in the original language which is not correct.


  • message the message to localize
  • c
notify(caption* : String, description : String, ntype : NotificationType, alignment : Alignment, delayMillis : Integer, cssStyle : String, htmlContentAllowed : Boolean) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Shows a simple notification to the user. Must be called from the UI listener.


  • caption The main notification body, required
  • description Additional notification text, may be null
  • ntype Defaults to Info
  • alignment Default value depends on the 'type' parameter.
  • delayMillis if 0 or greater, the notification auto-closes after specified period of milliseconds after any user activity; if -1, the notification never disappears and must be clicked by the user. The default value depends on the 'type' parameter
  • cssStyle
  • htmlContentAllowed Defaults to false. If false, all html content in caption/description is escaped.
showDataErrorMessages(constraintViolations* : List<ConstraintViolation>, component : FormComponent) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Shows constraint violations on the component and it's descendant components. This function distributes the data error messages to the components which are bound to the record properties which are source of the constraint violations. If no component is specified then all components in the form are evaluated as targets for the error message.

Distributed constraint violations can be read from getDataErrorMessages and getDataErrorMessagesRecursive of form component.


  • constraintViolations
  • component the component defining the root of the component sub-tree to to walk through. If null then this function starts with the form's root component.
showDataErrorMessages(constraintViolations* : List<ConstraintViolation>, components : List<FormComponent>, fallback : FormComponent) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Shows constraint violations on the component and it's descendant components. This function distributes the data error messages to the components which are bound to the record properties which are source of the constraint violations.

Distributed constraint violations can be read from getDataErrorMessages and getDataErrorMessagesRecursive of form component.


  • constraintViolations
  • components the components defining the roots of the component sub-trees to to walk through. Can not be null.
  • fallback constraint violations that were not mapped to any components are shown here. Can be null.
vaadinIcon(iconName* : String) : String
vaadinIcon(iconName* : String, className* : String) : String
vaadinIcon(iconName* : String, className* : String, inlineStyle* : String) : String


<(path* : PropertyPath, value* : Object) : Filter
<=(path* : PropertyPath, value* : Object) : Filter
=(path* : PropertyPath, value : Object) : Filter
==(path* : PropertyPath, value : Object) : Filter
>(path* : PropertyPath, value* : Object) : Filter
>=(path* : PropertyPath, value* : Object) : Filter
orderBy(ds* : DataSource, sortSpecs : Set<Sort>) : DataSource

Creates new DataSource which prepends given set of sort criteria when calling this datasource's getData().


  • ds the data source
  • sortSpecs prepend this set of sort criteria, thus sorting primarily by this criteria. Null and empty sets are allowed, in such case "this" is simply returned.


  • data source which always applies given sort criteria first. Never null.
where(ds* : DataSource, filters : Collection<Filter>) : DataSource

Creates new DataSource which prepends given set of filters when calling this datasource's getData() and getCount()


  • filters always apply this set of filter criteria, along with any other filters provided in getCount()/getData(). Null and empty sets are allowed, in such case "this" is simply returned.


  • data source which always applies given filters first. Never null.