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Model Instance Management

Model instances are execution entities that follow the execution logic defined in their Model and imported Modules.

From the Management Console, you can do the following:

Creating a Model Instance

When you run a model, a model instance based on the chosen model is created on the server and its execution is triggered. You can create multiple instances of the same model.

To create a model instance based on the chosen model, run an uploaded model:

  1. Select the executable module in the list of modules.
  2. Click Run Model in the view toolbar.
  3. In the Run Model dialog box, type the required data and add properties of the model instance if required (any key-value pairs).
  4. Click Run.

A model instance is created and its detail appears.

Filtering Model Instances

To filter the Model Instances view, do the following:

  1. Define the filtering criteria in the filtering row of the table:

    • In the Model Instance ID text box, type the model instance ID.
    • In the Status drop-down box, select the execution status.

    Where applicable, filtering is by default case-sensitive and may contain wildcards (*, ?); for example, search for Task? * returns results containing the word Task followed by any character, a space, and any subsequent characters.

  2. Press Enter.

Display Model Instance Detail

To display a model instance detail, click the model instance ID in the Model Instance view in the Model Instance ID column.

Display Live Diagrams

To display a live diagram with the execution, do the following:

  1. On the menu, click Model Instances.
  2. On the right, click the ID of the model instance.
  3. Go to Process Instances tab.
  4. Locate the diagram in the tree and click Diagram in the Action column.

Important: The diagrams in the Management console do not display hyperlink and, lane and pool diagram elements.

Live Goal diagram

Changing Model Instance Data

To change global variable values and goal status of a running model instance, do the following:

  1. On the menu, click Model Instances.
  2. On the right, click the ID of the model instance.
  3. Go to Process Instances tab.
  4. Locate the Goal or global variable:
    • For a variable, click Edit in the Action column.
    • For a Goal, click the Deactivate or Reactivate button in the Action column.

Evaluating Expressions

To evaluate an expression in the context of a model instance:

  1. Display the Expression Evaluator tab (display the Model Instances view, click the desired model instance ID, and select the Expression Evaluator tab).
  2. Unselect Persistent to evaluate the expression without changing of the data in the database.

    If the Persistent flag is selected and the expression changes the value of an entity, for example, a global variable, the change is reflected on the runtime data, that is, the variable takes the newly assigned value.

  3. In Evaluation context, select the context you want to use.
  4. Type the expression in the input field of the evaluator.
  5. Click Evaluate.
Evaluating an expression in different contexts and modes
To show errors, which occurred when attempting to evaluate expressions, select the Show Errors check box below the expression input field.

To remove evaluated expressions from the table, select the expressions and click the Remove (X) button in the upper right corner.

Changing Persisted Data

To change persisted data from the Expression Evaluator, do the following:

  1. Display the Expression Evaluator tab (display the Model Instances view, click the desired model instance ID, and select the Expression Evaluator tab).
  2. Select Persistent to have the changes on persisted data (Shared Records) in the evaluated expression reflected on the database.
  3. Type the expression in the input field of the evaluator.
  4. Click Evaluate.

    To display the errors that occurred when attempting to evaluate expressions, select the Show Errors check box below the expression input field.

    To remove evaluated expressions from the table, select the expressions and click Remove (X) in the upper right corner.

Evaluating over a shared record

Removing Waiting Signals

To remove a waiting signal of a model instance, do the following:

  1. Display the Signal tab of a particular model instance (Model Instances model instance ID Signals).
  2. Select the signals you want to remove.
  3. Click the Remove (X) button in the upper right corner.

Filtering Wait Points

To apply a filter, do the following:

  1. Open the Webservices view.
  2. In the filtering row of the table, define the filtering criteria.

    Filtering is case-sensitive and supports wildcards (*, ?); for example, filtering Task? * returns results containing the word Task followed by any character, a space, and any subsequent characters.

  3. Press Enter.

Suspending and Resuming a Model Instance

A suspended model instance stops its execution. On resume, the instance continues from where it was suspended.

To suspend or resume a suspended model instance, do the following:

  1. Open the Model Instances view.
  2. In the displayed table with model instances, select the model instances.
  3. In the view toolbar, click the Suspend or Resume command.

Finishing a Model Instance

When you finish a model instance, the running elements stop their execution immediately and the status of the model instance becomes finished.

To finish a model instance, do the following:

  1. Open the Model Instances page.
  2. In the displayed table with model instances, locate the particular model instance.
  3. In the view toolbar, click the Finish button.
Finishing Model Instance

Updating a Model Instance

Any running or suspended model instances can be updated so as to follow a new model. During model update, the model instance becomes suspended and the underlying model is substituted with a new model; the model update procedure is defined in the model update configuration file, which is created in PDS.

However, if you have a model update configuration at hand, you can perform the update directly from the Management Console.

To update a model instance, do the following:

  1. In the Model Instances view, select the model instance and click the Model Update button.
  2. In the dialog box, enter the path to the model update MUC file and the Datamapping file and click Next.
  3. Check if the correct instances are selected and click Finish
  4. It is recommended to check the model update log information in the Model Update Logs view.