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Data Types



An abstract record type used to commonly represent a goal or a plan.

name : String

Name of the goal or plan.

state : String

Current state of execution of the goal or plan.

parent : Goal

Parent goal valid in the current module instance.

metadata : Map<String, String>

Set of metadata (key-value pairs) of the element.

GoalABSTRACTSYSTEM extends GoalPlan

Represents a single goal (of any kind).

children : Set<GoalPlan>

Set of children.

isAnyPlanRunning : Boolean

If true, at least one of the goal's sub-plans (taken recursively, i.e., not only direct sub-plans) is running. If false, none of the goal's sub-plans are running.

runningPlans : Set<Plan>

Set of the running direct sub-plans. Therefore, it is an empty set for a goal decomposed to goals.

AchieveGoalSYSTEMFINAL extends Goal

Represents a single achieve goal.

preCondition : { : Boolean}

Precondition of the achieve goal.

deactivateCondition : { : Boolean}

Deactivate condition of the achieve goal.

MaintainGoalSYSTEMFINAL extends Goal

Represents a single maintain goal.

maintainCondition : { : Boolean}

Maintain condition of the maintain goal.

PlanSYSTEMFINAL extends GoalPlan

Represents a single plan.

preCondition : { : Boolean}

Precondition of the plan.


Represents a model.

id : Integer

Unique identifier of the model.

name : String

Name of the model.

version : String

Version of the model.

uploadDate : Date

Model's upload date.


Represents a model instance.

id : Integer

Unique identifier of the model instance.

isRunning : Boolean

If true, the model instance is running. If false, the model instance has finished.

start : Date

Starting date of the model instance.

finish : Date

Date of finishing the model instance, whereas null is used if the

model instance is not finished yet.


Represents a process instance.

id : Integer

Identifier of process instance.

process : String

Name of the instantiated process.

modelInstance : ModelInstance

The owning model instance.

isRunning : Boolean

If true, the process instance is running. If false, the process instance has finished.

metadata : Map<String, String>

Set of metadata (key-value pairs) of the corresponding process model element.


Represents a duration expressed in various time units. The duration value is given as the sum of all values of different units. Each field value can be either positive or negative.

years : Integer

Number of years of the duration.

months : Integer

Number of months of the duration.

weeks : Integer

Number of weeks of the duration.

days : Integer

Number of days of the duration.

hours : Integer

Number of hours of the duration.

minutes : Integer

Number of minutes of the duration.

seconds : Integer

Number of seconds of the duration.

millis : Integer

Number of milliseconds of the duration.


Binary file.

content : Binary

Binary content.

filename : String

Filename of the binary file.

mime : String

MIME type of the data.

size : Integer

Actual size of the binary data in bytes.

BinaryHandleSHAREDDEPRECATED extends File

Descriptor of binary data. This shared record is also used internally by LSPS server to store some binary data. Therefore, modification and deleting of BinaryHandle records must be performed carefully.

id : Integer

Unique identifier of the binary data.

description : String

Description of the data.


Represents a goal that is to be repeated and a set of settings of slots related to the goal repetition. This type is used in the RepeatGoals task type.

goal : AchieveGoal

Achieve goal to be repeated.

slotSettings : Map<Reference<Object>, Object>

Map of references to slots and the values to be used for their setting.


A record type used to report violation of a data constraint. Execution of a single validation results in a list of constraint violations.

id : String

ID of the associated constraint. It is assigned automatically right after constraint execution to all created ConstraintViolation objects that have null id.

guid : String

GUID of the associated constraint. It is assigned automatically right after constraint execution to all created ConstraintViolation objects that have null guid.

message : String

Message returned by constraint expression defined in corresponding ConstraintType.

record : Record

Record which did not pass the validation.

property : Property

Optional property of the record which did not pass the validation.

payload : Object

Optional application data.


A record type used to classify data constraints and their runtime filtering in different validations.

name : String

A full name of the validation tag (e.g. "mymodule::mytag")


Record for tracking of active user.

id : Integer
userLogin : String
startDate : Date
endDate : Date