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Exception Management

When a model instance fails with an Exception, the Execution Engine rolls back the transaction that caused the exception. Such model instances are recorded on the Exceptions page (for further information on transactions in model instance, refer to Transactions in Model Instances in the Software Development Kit guide).

From the Management Console, you can do the following over Exceptions:

Filtering Exceptions

The Exceptions view is displayed.

To apply a filter, do the following:

  1. In the filtering row of the table, define the filtering criteria.

    Filtering is case-sensitive and supports wildcards (*, ?); for example, filtering Task? * returns results containing the word Task followed by any character, a space, and any subsequent characters.

  2. Press Enter.

The table with exceptions shows exceptions containing the defined stacktrace part.

Displaying Exception Stacktrace

The Exceptions view is displayed.

To display an exception stack trace, click the exception id. If you need the full stacktrace, open PDS, connect to your server and inspect the exception in the Exception view of the Management perspective.

Removing Exceptions

To remove an exception entry, in the Exceptions view, select the exception and click the Remove button.

Resending Inputs on Model Instances with an Exception

Resend attempts to execute again a transaction that previously failed: on resend the system resends the inputs which caused the exception to the model instance. Before using this function you will typically fix the underlying data of the model instance or database data, or make sure that an external service was fixed, etc.

To resend the data, do the following:

  1. Select the exceptions in the table.
  2. Click the Resend button in the upper right corner.