Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactory.hqlQueryList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.HQLQuerySpecification querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters)
Executes the given HQL query specification and returns the result.
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactory.queryAuditList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.SharedRecordType recordType,
String iterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count,
Long revision,
List<AuditCriteria> auditCriteria)
Dynamically creates query and executes it.
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactory.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
ClosureHolder closureWithQuery,
String iterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count)
Dynamically creates query and executes it.
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactory.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
Object querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters)
Executes the given HQL query specification and returns the result.
ListHolder |
NativeQueryService.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
Object querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters)
Executes the given query and returns a list of results.
ListHolder |
NativeQueryServiceBean.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
Object querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters) |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactory.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.SharedRecordType recordType,
String iterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count)
Dynamically creates query and executes it.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
List adapter for the ListValue.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
ListValue.toObject() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
RecordProxySet.createLazySpreadingProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
Object... records)
Creates change proxies on record holders.
ListHolder |
RecordProxySet.createLazySpreadingProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordProxySetHolder proxySet,
Object... records)
Creates change proxies on record holders.
ListHolder |
RecordNamespace.createList(Collection<?> values) |
ListHolder |
NoBaseContextNamespace.createList(Collection<?> values) |
ListHolder |
ContextNamespace.createList(Collection<?> values) |
ListHolder |
AbstractContextNamespace.createRange(long first,
long last) |
ListHolder |
RecordProxySet.merge(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts)
Merges all proxies for the proxy set to their proxied records.
ListHolder |
RecordProxySet.merge(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts,
RecordProxySetHolder proxySet)
Merges all proxies for the proxy set to their proxied records.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CollectionHolder |
RecordProxySet.createProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder collection,
ListHolder properties)
Creates change proxy on each record holder in the collection.
RecordHolder |
RecordProxySet.createProxy(ExecutionContext ctx,
Object record,
ListHolder properties)
Creates change proxy on this record holder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected static ListHolder |
CompiledNamespace.createList(Namespace namespace,
Object[] items) |
protected ListHolder |
CompiledNamespace.createList(Object[] items) |
ListHolder |
CompiledRecordProxySetHolder.merge(boolean checkConflicts) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactoryImpl.hqlQueryList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.HQLQuerySpecification querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters) |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactoryImpl.queryAuditList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.SharedRecordType recordType,
String recordIterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count,
Long revision,
List<AuditCriteria> auditCriteria) |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactoryImpl.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
ClosureHolder closureWithQuery,
String recordIterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count) |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactoryImpl.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
Object querySpecification,
Collection<?> parameters) |
ListHolder |
SharedRecordTypeFactoryImpl.queryList(ExecutionContext context,
com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.SharedRecordType recordType,
String recordIterator,
Expression whereExpression,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings,
Integer index,
Integer count) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
TestFunctionsImpl.dynamicAuditQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type recordType,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count,
Decimal revision,
ListHolder auditCriteria) |
ListHolder |
TestFunctions.dynamicAuditQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type recordType,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count,
Decimal revision,
ListHolder auditCriteria) |
ListHolder |
TestFunctionsImpl.dynamicQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
ClosureHolder closureWithQuery,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count) |
ListHolder |
TestFunctions.dynamicQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
ClosureHolder closureWithQuery,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count) |
ListHolder |
TestFunctionsImpl.dynamicQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type recordType,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count) |
ListHolder |
TestFunctions.dynamicQuery(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type recordType,
String iterator,
String where,
ListHolder ordering,
Decimal index,
Decimal count) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
DynamicQueriesBean.queryRecordList(ExecutionContext ctx,
ClosureHolder query,
Decimal startIndex,
Decimal count,
String iterator,
String whereExpr,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings) |
ListHolder |
DynamicQueriesBean.sharedRecordList(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type,
Decimal startIndex,
Decimal count,
String iterator,
String whereExpr,
List<com.whitestein.lsps.model.sharedrecord.QueryOrderingItem> orderings) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
HumanFunctionsImpl.submit(ExecutionContext ctx) |
ListHolder |
HumanFunctions.submit(ExecutionContext ctx)
Submits a form that do not use evaluation levels:
Todo Form: Submits todos that do not use evaluation levels.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
MockHolderFactory.createList(Collection<?> values) |
ListHolder |
HolderFactory.createList(Collection<?> values)
Creates new list with given values (
ListHolder s are immutable). |
ListHolder |
AbstractMockNamespace.createList(Collection<?> values) |
ListHolder |
MockHolderFactory.createRange(long first,
long last) |
ListHolder |
HolderFactory.createRange(long first,
long last)
Creates a range (list) defined by endpoints (both inclusive).
ListHolder |
AbstractMockNamespace.createRange(long first,
long last) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected <E> List<E> |
RecordWrapper.toList(ListHolder list,
Class<E> clazz,
RecordWrapperFactory factory)
Converts a given list of LSPS records to record wrappers using a given factory.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Mock list holder.
class |
Mock range holder.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
RangeOperation.execute(Namespace namespace,
String oper,
Decimal first,
Decimal last) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
DmnFunctionsImpl.evaluateList(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
ListHolder |
DmnEvaluator.evaluateList(ListHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
ListHolder |
DmnFunctionsImpl.evaluateMap(ExecutionContext ctx,
MapHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
ListHolder |
DmnEvaluator.evaluateMap(MapHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
DmnFunctionsImpl.evaluateList(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
ListHolder |
DmnEvaluator.evaluateList(ListHolder inputValues)
Evaluates the decision table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Parameter.setAllowedValues(ListHolder value) |
void |
Rule.setInputEntries(ListHolder value) |
void |
DecisionTable.setInputs(ListHolder value) |
void |
Rule.setOutputEntries(ListHolder value) |
void |
DecisionTable.setOutputs(ListHolder value) |
void |
DecisionTable.setRules(ListHolder value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.add(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified element at the end of the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder... lists)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder... collections)
Returns a list created as concatenation of list and collections.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
CollectionHolder... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified elements, given as a collections, from the position
specified by index to the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
ListHolder... elements)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified elements from the position specified by index
to the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.collect(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder function)
When given a list
[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] , this method returns [function(a_1),
function(a_2), ..., function(a_n)] . |
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.collectMap(ExecutionContext ctx,
MapHolder map,
ClosureHolder function)
Collects over map entries.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.collectWithIndex(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder function)
Returns a set/list/collection of values obtained by applying the function
to each item of the set/list/collection.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.compact(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Returns a list containing non-null elements from a given list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.difference(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
Subtracts the set from the list.
ListHolder |
StringFunctions.find(ExecutionContext ctx,
String string,
String patternStr)
Finds all occurrences of the regexp in the specified string.
ListHolder |
QueryFunctionsImpl.findAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type) |
ListHolder |
QueryFunctions.findAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type)
Finds all shared records of a given type.
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getAllGoals(ExecutionContext ctx) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getAllGoals(ExecutionContext ctx) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getAllRoleUnits(ExecutionContext ctx) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getAllRoleUnits(ExecutionContext ctx) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getForms(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getForms(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
Type returnType,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
Type returnType,
MapHolder metadata) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String name,
MapHolder arguments,
Type returnType) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String name,
MapHolder arguments,
Type returnType) |
ListHolder |
TypeFunctions.getInstantiableRecordTypes(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type)
Returns a list of concrete, non-system record types assignable to a given type.
ListHolder |
PropertyFunctions.getProperties(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type)
Returns the properties of the given record type.
ListHolder |
PropertyFunctions.getPropertyNames(ExecutionContext ctx,
PropertyPath propertyPath)
Returns the list of property names.
ListHolder |
QueryFunctionsImpl.getRevisions(ExecutionContext ctx,
Object id,
Type type,
Date from,
Date to) |
ListHolder |
QueryFunctions.getRevisions(ExecutionContext ctx,
Object id,
Type type,
Date from,
Date to)
Returns audit revisions for the entity.
ListHolder |
QueryFunctionsImpl.getRevisions(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordHolder record,
Date from,
Date to) |
ListHolder |
QueryFunctions.getRevisions(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordHolder record,
Date from,
Date to)
Returns a list of revision identifiers in which the shared record was modified during the period defined by
the from and to parameters.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.listUnion(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder... collections)
Creates a list of all elements in the given collection of collections.
ListHolder |
EnumerationFunctions.literals(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type enumeration)
Returns a list of literals from the specified enumeration.
ListHolder |
ActionFunctionsImpl.mergeAllProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts,
CollectionHolder records) |
ListHolder |
ActionFunctions.mergeAllProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts,
CollectionHolder records)
Merges changes from the proxies to the proxied records.
ListHolder |
ActionFunctionsImpl.mergeProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts,
Object... records) |
ListHolder |
ActionFunctions.mergeProxies(ExecutionContext ctx,
Boolean checkConflicts,
Object... records)
Merges changes from the proxies to the proxied records.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.remove(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by removing first occurrences of the elements from
the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder elements)
Returns a list created by removing all occurrences of the elements from
the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index)
Returns a list created by removing an element of the list from the position specified by
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeRange(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal fromIndex,
Decimal toIndex)
Returns a list created by removing the specified range of elements from
the given list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.replace(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object element1,
Object element2)
Returns a list created by replacing all occurrences of the element1 by element2 in the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.retainAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder... collections)
Returns a list created by intersection of list and all collections.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.retainAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.reverse(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Returns a list created by reversing the order of the elements in the specified list.
ListHolder | ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder condition)
Returns a list containing all the elements
e from the original list where condition(e) == true . |
ListHolder | ctx,
ListHolder list,
Type type)
Returns a list all elements of the given type, null elements
not included.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.setAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
Object element)
Returns a list created by replacing the element at the position given by index in the list
with the specified element.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.sort(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Boolean ascending)
Returns a list with items sorted in ascending or descending natural order.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.sort(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder comparator)
Returns items of the list ordered according to the comparator.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.sortByKey(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder collection,
ClosureHolder keyExtractor,
Boolean ascending,
Boolean nullsFirst)
Returns a list of elements sorted by keys produced by key extractor.
ListHolder |
StringFunctions.split(ExecutionContext ctx,
String string,
String regexp)
Splits the string around matches of regular expression given by the
regexp parameter.
ListHolder |
StringFunctions.splitPathname(ExecutionContext ctx,
String name)
Splits a fully specified element name to names of it components which are
separated by the namespace separator (::).
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.subList(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal fromIndex,
Decimal toIndex)
Returns a list which represents the portion of the list between the specified fromIndex,
inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.swap(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index1,
Decimal index2)
Returns a new list of elements of original list with elements at given indexes swapped.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.toList(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder collection)
Returns a list of values contained in the set.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.toList(ExecutionContext ctx,
SetHolder set)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
ValidationFunctions.validate(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder collection,
Property property,
CollectionHolder tags,
MapHolder context)
Validates a given collection of records.
ListHolder |
ValidationFunctions.validate(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordHolder record,
Property property,
CollectionHolder tags,
MapHolder context)
Validates a given record.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.values(ExecutionContext ctx,
MapHolder map)
Returns a list of values contained in the map.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.add(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified element at the end of the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder... lists)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder... collections)
Returns a list created as concatenation of list and collections.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
CollectionHolder... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified elements, given as a collections, from the position
specified by index to the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
ListHolder... elements)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
ListHolder... elements)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.addAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by adding the specified elements from the position specified by index
to the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.collect(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder function)
When given a list
[a_1, a_2, ..., a_n] , this method returns [function(a_1),
function(a_2), ..., function(a_n)] . |
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.collectWithIndex(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder function)
Returns a set/list/collection of values obtained by applying the function
to each item of the set/list/collection.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.compact(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Returns a list containing non-null elements from a given list.
boolean |
CollectionsFunctions.contains(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object... elements)
Test method to find out whether passed list contains element
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.difference(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
Subtracts the set from the list.
boolean |
CollectionsFunctions.exists(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder condition)
Test whether any element in list will fulfill passed condition
Object |
CollectionsFunctions.fold(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object initialValue,
ClosureHolder function)
Combines the elements of the list together using the binary function, starting with the
boolean |
CollectionsFunctions.forAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder condition)
Test whether all elements in list will fulfill passed condition
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getForms(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getForms(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctionsImpl.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
Type returnType,
MapHolder metadataPattern) |
ListHolder |
AdvancedReflectionFunctions.getFunctions(ExecutionContext ctx,
String namePattern,
ListHolder arguments,
Type returnType,
MapHolder metadata) |
Decimal |
CollectionsFunctions.indexOf(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object value)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the
list does not contain the element.
boolean |
CollectionsFunctions.isEmpty(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Test method to check if list is empty
Decimal |
CollectionsFunctions.lastIndexOf(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object value)
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the
list does not contain the element.
MapHolder | ctx,
ListHolder keys,
ListHolder values)
Creates map from list of keys and list of values Each of this lists must have same size
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.remove(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object... elements)
Returns a list created by removing first occurrences of the elements from
the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder elements)
Returns a list created by removing all occurrences of the elements from
the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index)
Returns a list created by removing an element of the list from the position specified by
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.removeRange(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal fromIndex,
Decimal toIndex)
Returns a list created by removing the specified range of elements from
the given list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.replace(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Object element1,
Object element2)
Returns a list created by replacing all occurrences of the element1 by element2 in the list.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.retainAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
CollectionHolder... collections)
Returns a list created by intersection of list and all collections.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.retainAll(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
SetHolder set)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.reverse(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Returns a list created by reversing the order of the elements in the specified list.
ListHolder | ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder condition)
Returns a list containing all the elements
e from the original list where condition(e) == true . |
ListHolder | ctx,
ListHolder list,
Type type)
Returns a list all elements of the given type, null elements
not included.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.setAt(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index,
Object element)
Returns a list created by replacing the element at the position given by index in the list
with the specified element.
Decimal |
CollectionsFunctions.size(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
Return size of passed list
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.sort(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Boolean ascending)
Returns a list with items sorted in ascending or descending natural order.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.sort(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
ClosureHolder comparator)
Returns items of the list ordered according to the comparator.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.subList(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal fromIndex,
Decimal toIndex)
Returns a list which represents the portion of the list between the specified fromIndex,
inclusive, and toIndex, exclusive.
ListHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.swap(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list,
Decimal index1,
Decimal index2)
Returns a new list of elements of original list with elements at given indexes swapped.
SetHolder |
CollectionsFunctions.toSet(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder list)
This method was used in LSPS 2.6
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListHolder |
VaadinUtilsCommon.findTopmostComponents(ExecutionContext ctx,
Type type,
RecordHolder root) |
ListHolder |
VaadinUtilsCommon.getChildren(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordHolder def) |
ListHolder |
VaadinUtilsCommon.getTabs(ExecutionContext ctx,
RecordHolder tabbedLayout) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
VaadinUtilsCommon.invoke(ExecutionContext ctx,
CollectionHolder targets,
String methodName,
ListHolder parameters)
Invoke method on each target container.
void |
VaadinUtilsCommon.showConstraintViolations(ExecutionContext ctx,
ListHolder constraintViolations)
Map constraint violations to visible components.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
WsSoapMessageParser.parseMessage(Document document,
ReferenceHolder errorReference,
ListHolder headersReferenceList)
Parse the response from the given xml document and store the result to the passed reference.
void |
WsSoapMessageParser.parseMessage(Document document,
ReferenceHolder objectReference,
ReferenceHolder errorReference,
ListHolder headersReferenceList)
Parse the response from the given xml document and store the result to the passed reference.
Object |
WsSoapMessageParser.parseMessage(String document,
ReferenceHolder errorReference,
ListHolder headersReferenceList)
Parse the response from the given xml string and store the result to the passed reference
void |
WsSoapMessageParser.parseMessage(String document,
ReferenceHolder objectReference,
ReferenceHolder errorReference,
ListHolder headersReferenceList)
Parse the response from the given xml string and store the result to the passed reference
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object | context,
MapHolder soapMetadata,
RecordHolder sslConfig,
String endpointAddress,
String login,
String password,
RecordHolder input,
ListHolder requestSoapHeaders,
MapHolder requestHeaders,
Decimal readTimeout,
Type outputType,
ListHolder responseSoapHeaders,
ReferenceHolder responseHeaders,
ReferenceHolder error,
Boolean logMessages) |
Object | context,
MapHolder soapMetadata,
RecordHolder sslConfig,
String endpointAddress,
String login,
String password,
RecordHolder input,
ListHolder requestSoapHeaders,
MapHolder requestHeaders,
Decimal readTimeout,
Type outputType,
ListHolder responseSoapHeaders,
ReferenceHolder responseHeaders,
ReferenceHolder error,
Boolean logMessages)
Webservice call.
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