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LSPS Documentation
Oracle WebLogic

To set up LSPS on Oracle WebLogic application server 11gR1 (10.3.2) and newer, do the following:

  1. Make sure the JVM runs with the recommended memory settings:

    • Minimum: -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m (Usually satisfied by default application server settings)
    • Optimum: -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m

    The amount of memory required might increase depending on uploaded and used lsps modules.

  2. Ensure JPA2 is supported on app server (see for further information).
  3. If you are using WebLogic 12.2. and newer, run Java with the following properties: -Djavax.xml.bind.JAXBContext=com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory
  4. Install WebLogic.
  5. If necessary, copy your database JDBC driver libraries to to the lib directory of your domain ($WL_HOME/server/lib or $WL_HOME/user_projects/domains/<YOUR_DOMAIN>/lib).
  6. Copy LSPS security module lsps-security-weblogic-$LSPS_VERSION.jar to $WL_HOME/server/lib/mbeantypes.
  7. Start WebLogic.
  8. Create JDBC XA data source named LSPS_DS with JNDI name jdbc/LSPS_DS.

    Example configuration for an Oracle database installed on localhost

    JDBC Data Source:
    Name: LSPS_DS
    JNDI Name: jdbc/LSPS_DS
    Database Type: Oracle
    Database Driver: Oracle's Driver (Thin XA)
    Database Name: LSPS
    Host Name: localhost
    Port: 1521
    Database User Name: lsps
    Password: lsps
  9. Create JMS resouces: Create a JMS server, you can also use your own instance.

    Example with a default persistent store

    • JMS Server:
      • Name: LSPS_JMS_SERVER
      • Persistent Store: (none)
      • Target: (your server name)
    • JMS Module:
      • Name: LSPS_JMS
      • Target: (your server name)
    • Resources inside JMS Module LSPS_JMS:
      • Subdeployment:
        • Name: LSPS_DEPL
        • Targets:
          • JMS Servers: LSPS_JMS_SERVER
    • Queue:
      • Name: LSPS_QUEUE
      • JNDI Name: jms/LSPS_QUEUE
      • Subdeployments: LSPS_DEPL
    • Connection Factory:
      • Name: LSPS_CF
      • JNDI Name: jms/LSPS_CF
      • Targets: (your server name)
      • XA Connection Factory Enabled: true (Detail/Configuration/Transactions)
    • Topic:
      • Name: LSPS_TOPIC
      • JNDI Name: jms/LSPS_TOPIC
      • Subdeployments: LSPS_DEPL
      • Targets: (your server name)
  10. Optionally, set up LSPS authentication provider. Use your own authentication providers if necessary.
    1. Open your default security realm and go to Providers.
    2. Create new authentication provider:
      Authentication Provider:
      Type: LSPSAuthenticator (this should be in the list if you copied the LSPS security module in the step 2 correctly)
  11. Set the authentication provider:

    1. Reorder authentication providers so that LSPS_AUTHENTICATOR is the first provider.
    2. Set the provider control flag to SUFFICIENT (you can find the control flag in the provider detail page)

    Alternatively, set the control flag on all providers to OPTIONAL.

  12. Restart WebLogic.
  13. If you are using WLS 12.1.1, add the following line to the bin/setDomainEnv.cmd file of your domain to change the default JAXB provider:
    SET EXT_PRE_CLASSPATH=%WL_HOME%/../modules/databinding.override_1.0.0.0.jar
  14. Deploy $WL_HOME/common/deployable-libraries/jsf-1.2.war as a library to the WebLogic server.
  15. Deploy the LSPS application EAR.

Now you can upload your modules to the server, for example, with the cli console.