LSPSLSPS Documentation

To perform exact search, use quotation marks.


Validation of Input

Accept input only if it is valid and run a model on form submit.

Validation over Multiple Components

Validate component data based on values in other components.


Design graphs, such as, a Donut chart, Line chart, etc.

Assembling Columns on runtime

Have a Grid create its column depending on what it displays.

Editing Tabular Data in Popups

Edit and create data displayed in a Grid in a resused Popup and detect conflicts.

Filtering Grid over Custom Data Source

View and filter data from a custom data source in a grid or table.

Grid with a Column with Icons

Define icons from Font Awesome as content of a grid column.

Ui Forms

Editable Table

Create a table with editable values over a shared record.

Table with a Derived Value

Create an editable table with cells that adapt to each other's values.

Calendar with Event Creation

Design a calendar that adds an event when you drag over dates.

Popup with the Save and Cancel buttons

Create a popup with the Save and Cancel buttons.

Design Patterns

Restartable Processes

Design processes that can be restarted without losing any data.

Agile Processes

Design processes that omit activities and skip to other activities.

Monitoring Start of Model Instances

Monitor whether model instances have been started successfully.

Custom Application Development

Custom To-Do Lists

Create a to-do list with business-specific data.


Editable Decision Table

Create a simple decision table that you can edit in a Document in the Process Application and use it for the evaluation of a condition.

Model Update

Update running model instances.

Model Instance on Document Submit

Create a model instance when the user submits a document.

LSPS Application local server

Set up a MySQL database and WildFly server with the LSPS Application. This is a quick deploy scenario intended for local run.