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addToPublishedListeners(publishedListeners : Map<String, Set<Listener>>, key : String, listeners : Listener...) : Map<String, Set<Listener>>DEPRECATED

Utility function which adds listener specified in third parameter to map of publishedListeners under the key key. Deprecated.


  • publishedListeners
  • key
  • listeners
addToRegistrationPoints(registrationPoints : Map<String, Set<Reference<Set<Listener>>>>, key : String, components : UIComponent...) : Map<String, Set<Reference<Set<Listener>>>>DEPRECATED

Utility function which adds component specified in third parameter to map of registrationPoints under the key key. Deprecated.


  • registrationPoints
  • key
  • components
createValidationError(message : String) : UIValidationError

If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message. Otherwise it returns null.


  • message
createValidationError(message : String, placement : UIComponent) : UIValidationError

If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message and placement. Otherwise it returns null.


  • message
  • placement
createValidationError(message : String, placement : Set<UIComponent>) : UIValidationError

If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message and placement. Otherwise it returns null.


  • message
  • placement
getBrowserWindowSize() : Dimension
Retrieves the size, in DIPs, of the current browser window.
notify(caption* : String, description : String, type : NotificationType, position : Position, delayMillis : Integer, cssStyle : String, htmlContentAllowed : Boolean) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Shows a simple notification to the user. Must be called from UI listener.


  • caption The main notification body, required
  • description Additional notification text, may be null
  • type Defaults to Info
  • position Default value depends on the 'type' parameter.
  • delayMillis if 0 or greater, the notification auto-closes after specified period of milliseconds after any user activity; if -1, the notification never disappears and must be clicked by the user. The default value depends on the 'type' parameter
  • cssStyle
  • htmlContentAllowed Defaults to false. If false, all html content in caption/description is escaped.
rgb(red* : Integer, green* : Integer, blue* : Integer) : String

Returns a string used to represent a color given by red, green and blue components. Each color component is an integer from interval 0 to 255. The result has form of usual hexadecimal color representation, e.g., "#ff0000" for red.


  • red
  • green
  • blue


  • NullParameterError if mandatory parameter is null.


addColumn(what* : TableColumn, where* : UIComponent) : TableColumnSIDE EFFECTDEPRECATED

Requies Vaadin 7. Creates a Vaadin instance for given table column definition and adds it to given table. Does nothing if there already is table column present for given definition.


  • what The table column to add
  • where Table or TreeTable2


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
addTab(tabbedLayout* : TabbedLayout, tab* : Tab) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Dynamically adds a tab to given tabbed layout. If the tab is already present in the tabbed layout, this function does nothing.


  • tabbedLayout
  • tab


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
clear(viewModels* : Collection<ViewModel>) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Clears given view models.


  • viewModels


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
createAndAdd(what* : T, where* : UIComponent) : TSIDE EFFECT

Creates a Vaadin instance for given component definition and adds it to given layout.


  • what What component to create dynamically. Do not use with popups and table columns.
  • where Where to add the component. Only horizontal layout, vertical layout and form layout are supported


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
createAndShow(def* : Popup) : PopupSIDE EFFECT

Creates a Vaadin instance of popup, bound to given definition record, and shows it. Does nothing if there already is popup bound to this instance of definition record.


  • def The definition record of popup that is to be shown.


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
findTopmostComponents(type* : Type<T>, root* : UIComponent) : List<T>

Returns top most components.


  • type The type of the components to find
  • root Start search from this component


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
findTopmostContainers(root* : UIComponent) : List<Container>

Returns top most containers.


  • root Start search from this component


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
getChildren(layout* : UIComponent) : List<UIComponent>

Returns the current list of children of a given layout component. This may differ to the 'children' property if the child list has been altered dynamically.


  • layout VerticalLayout, HorizontalLayout or FormLayout only.
getColumnStates(table* : UIComponent) : List<TableColumnState>DEPRECATED

Requies Vaadin 7. Returns the state of columns of a Table or TreeTable2. The state can be restored to the table by calling 'restoreColumnStates' function.


  • table Table or TreeTable2


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
getColumns(table* : UIComponent) : List<TableColumn>DEPRECATED

Requies Vaadin 7. Returns the current list of table columns of a given Table or TreeTable2. This may differ to the 'columns' property if the column list has been altered dynamically.


  • table Table or TreeTable2
getTabs(tabbedLayout* : TabbedLayout) : List<Tab>

Returns the current list of tabs of a given TabbedLayout. This may differ to the 'tabs' property if the tab list has been altered dynamically.


  • tabbedLayout
hideAndDestroy(def* : Popup) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Hides Vaadin popup, bound to given definition record, and destroys it. Does nothing if there is no popup registered to given record.


  • def The definition record of popup which is to be destroyed.


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
invoke(targets* : Collection<Container>, methodName* : String, parameters* : List<Object>) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Executes "Container methods".


  • targets Invoke the method on these containers
  • methodName The method name
  • parameters Method parameters


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
merge(viewModels* : Collection<ViewModel>) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Merges given view models to upper levels (one level up).


  • viewModels


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
persist() : voidSIDE EFFECT
Persists immediately.
refresh(components : Collection<UIComponent>) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Slates given components for refresh. The components are refreshed when the listener ends.


  • components A list of components to refresh
removeAll(container* : UIComponent) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Removes all children from given container. Only horizontal layout, vertical layout and form layout are supported.


  • container Container whose children are to be removed. Only horizontal layout, vertical layout and form layout are supported.


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
removeAndDestroy(what* : UIComponent, where : UIComponent) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Removes and destroys given component. If called from a listener, the "where" parameter is ignored. When called from form initializer, "where" must point to "what"'s parent.


  • what Which component to remove and destroy. Must not be a popup nor a table column.
  • where Where to add the component. Only horizontal layout, vertical layout and form layout are supported. Ignored when called from a listener.


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
removeTab(tabbedLayout* : TabbedLayout, tab* : Tab) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Dynamically removes a tab to given tabbed layout. If the tab is not yet present in the tabbed layout, this function does nothing.


  • tabbedLayout
  • tab


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
requestSubmit() : voidSIDE EFFECT
Requests submit after all listeners are processed
requestSubmitAndNavigate(navigateTo* : Navigation) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Requests submit and navigation after all listeners are processed


  • navigateTo


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
restoreColumnStates(table* : UIComponent, columnStates* : List<TableColumnState>) : voidSIDE EFFECTDEPRECATED

Requies Vaadin 7. Restore the state to the table columns. The state of table columns can be obtained by calling 'getColumnStates' function.


  • table
  • columnStates


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
selectTab(tabbedLayout* : TabbedLayout, tab* : Tab) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Selects given tab on given tabbed layout. Does nothing if the tabbed layout does not contain such tab.


  • tabbedLayout
  • tab


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null
showConstraintViolations(constraintViolations* : List<ConstraintViolation>) : voidSIDE EFFECT

Maps given constraint violations to Vaadin components, according to the exclude/include rules.


  • constraintViolations


  • NullParameterError if a mandatory parameter is null