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Repeater (ui::Repeater)

The Repeater component is a Form output component that renders its child component multiple times.

  • Data: list of objects to iterate through
  • Data iterator: reference to the iterated object (Since an iterator holds the value of the object for the current iteration, the referenced object must be of the same type as the Data list objects)

    Important: If you define a reference to a variable as iterator, make sure the variable is used solely as the repeater iterator.

  • Layout: a RepeaterLayout that defines the layout applied on child elements
    • RepeaterLayout.wrap: repeated items are arranged horizontally; if their content is larger than the width wrapping, the lines overflow.
    • RepeaterLayout.horizontal: repeated items are arranged horizontally. Their size is ignored.
    • RepeaterLayout.vertical: repeated items are arranged vertically. Their size is ignored. If some of the child elements are not displayed in the repeater, set the child components width to Wrap Content.

      Important: The Layout property is not recalculated on refresh.

  • Index iterator: reference to an Integer variable that holds the index of the currently iterated object