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Data Types



Represents a decision table. Contains all necessary information

to evaluate a decision table: hit policy, language type, input

parameters, output parameters and rules.

label : String

An optional label of the decision table.

hitPolicy : HitPolicy

Hit policy of the decision table.

language : ExpressionLanguage

Language type used in decision table expressions.

module : String

An optional module name against which the expressions are validated,

parsed and executed.

DecisionTable() CONSTRUCTOR
Constructs an empty decision table.
DecisionTable(inputs* : List<Parameter>, outputs* : List<Parameter>) CONSTRUCTOR
Constructs a decision table with given inputs and outputs.
addInput(input* : Parameter) : void
Adds a single input at the end of the current decision table inputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addInputAt(index* : Integer, input* : Parameter) : void
Adds a single input at the specified index position of the current decision table inputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addInputs(inputs* : List<Parameter>) : void
Adds an list of inputs at the end of the current decision table inputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addOutput(output* : Parameter) : void
Adds a single output at the end of the current decision table outputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addOutputAt(index* : Integer, output* : Parameter) : void
Adds a single output at the specified index position of the current decision table outputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addOutputs(outputs* : List<Parameter>) : void
Adds an list of outputs at the end of the current decision table outputs. Empty rule entries are added as well.
addRules(rules* : Rule...) : void
Adds rules.
evaluate(inputValues* : Map<String, Object>) : List<Map<String, Object>>
Evaluates this decision table. Input values are given in a map, where keys are input parameter names.
evaluate(inputValues* : List<Object>) : List<List<Object>>
Evaluates this decision table. Input values are given in a list in the same order as the input parameters of this decision table.
getHitPolicy() : HitPolicy
Returns a decision table hit policy.
getInputs() : List<Parameter>
Returns a decision table inputs.
getLabel() : String
Returns a decision table label.
getLanguage() : ExpressionLanguage
Returns a decision table language.
getModule() : String

Returns a decision table module. May be null.

When specified, the decision table module is used to validate and parsed the expressions in the decision table.

getOutputs() : List<Parameter>
Returns a decision table outputs.
getRules() : List<Rule>
Returns a decision table rules.
initialize() : void
Initializes the decision table. Implementation of this method does nothing. Subclasses typically override this method.
load(id : String) : Boolean
Loads the content of this decision table from a previously stored decision table. Returns true in the case of successful loading and false when there is no saved decision table with the specified identifier.
removeInputAt(index* : Integer) : void
Removes an input at the specified index position. Rule entries at the index column are removed as well.
removeOutputAt(index* : Integer) : void
Removes an output at the specified index position. Rule entries at the index column are removed as well.
removeRule(rule* : Rule) : void
Removes the specified rules.
save(id : String) : void
Persistently stores the content of the decision table under the selected identifier.
setHitPolicy(hitPolicy* : HitPolicy) : void
Sets the decision table hit policy.
setLabel(label : String) : void
Sets the decision table label.
setLanguage(language* : ExpressionLanguage) : void
Sets the decision table language.
setModule(module : String) : void

Sets a decision table module. May be null.

When specified, the decision table module is used to validate and parsed the expressions in the decision table.


Represents a rule (a row) of a decision table.

description : String

An optional rule description.

Creates a rule with no entries.
Rule(inputEntries : List<Entry>, outputEntries : List<Entry>) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a rule with a given list of inputs and outputs.
getDescription() : String
Returns a rule description.
getInputEntries() : List<Entry>
Returns a list of inputs.
getOutputEntries() : List<Entry>
Returns a list of outputs.
setDescription(description : String) : void
Sets a rule description.

Represents a single rule entry. An entry contains

either an expression or a selection of allowed values.

expression : String

An entry expression. It is null if the entry

contains a selection of allowed values.

Creates an empty rule entry.
Entry(allowedValues : Set<AllowedValue>) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a rule entry with a selection of allowed values.
Entry(expression : String) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a rule entry with a given expression.
getAllowedValues() : Set<AllowedValue>
Returns an allowed value selection.
getExpression() : String
Returns a rule entry expression.

Represents both input and output parameter of the decision table.

name : String

A name of the parameter. Name of input parameter

is optional (such inputs are called anonymous).

Name of output parameter is required.

type : String

Type of the parameter. Anonymous parameters should not specify type.

multiAllowedValues : Boolean

If the parameter specifies allowed values,

this flag specifies whether multi selection

of allowed values in a rule is possible.

Constructor for anonymous inputs.
Parameter(allowedValues : List<AllowedValue>, multiAllowedValues : Boolean) CONSTRUCTOR
Constructor for anonymous inputs with allowed values.
Parameter(name : String, 'type' : Type<Object>) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a parameter with a given name and type.
Parameter(name : String, 'type' : String) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a parameter with a given name and type.
Parameter(name : String, 'type' : Type<Object>, allowedValues : List<AllowedValue>, multiAllowedValues : Boolean) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a parameter with a given name, type and allowed values.
Parameter(name : String, 'type' : String, allowedValues : List<AllowedValue>, multiAllowedValues : Boolean) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates a parameter with a given name, type and allowed values.
getAllowedValues() : List<AllowedValue>
Returns a list of allowed values.
getName() : String
Returns a parameter name.
getType() : String
Returns a parameter type.
isMultiAllowedValues() : Boolean
Returns true if the parameter allows multi-selection of allowed values in the rule entries.

Represents an allowed value.

expression : String

Expression of the allowed value.

AllowedValue(expression : String) CONSTRUCTOR
Creates an allowed value object with a given expression.
getExpression() : String
Returns the expression of the allowed value.
DecisionTableComponent extends FormComponent

Renders decision table in a form and allows decision table editing. The table is read-only by default. User will be able to perform only rights specified using <code>setRights</code> method.

refresh() : void
setDecisionTable(dt : DecisionTable) : void
Set decision table to be edited.
setRights(rights : dmn::DecisionTableRights...) : void
Configure user rights for decision table component. The table is read-only by default. User will be able to perform only rights listed here.
setRights(rights : Collection<dmn::DecisionTableRights>) : void
Configure user rights for decision table component. The table is read-only by default. User will be able to perform only rights listed here.

Enumeration of supported decision table hit policies.


Hit policy that returns the ouput(s) of the first matching rule.


Hit policy that returns the ouput(s) of all the matching rules in order.


Enumeration of rights controlling what the user can do with the decision table,

when edited in Web UI.


A right specifying that the user can edit the decision table name.


A right specifying that the user can change the decision table inputs.


A right specifying that the user can change the decision table outputs.


A right specifying that the user can change the decision table rules.


A right specifying that the user can change all properties of the decision table.


Enumeration of supported languages in decision tables.


LSPS expression language.


S-FEEL expression language.