Polar chart.
A set of data series displayed by polar chart. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A list of x axes determining angles of data points.
A list of y axes determining the distance of data points from the chart center.
Cartesian chart.
A set of data series displayed by cartesian chart. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A list of x axes.
A list of y axes.
If true, the x axes are displayed vertically and y axes are displayed horizontally. If false or unspecified, the x axes are displayed horizontally and y axes are displayed vertically.
Pie chart.
A set of slices displayed by pie chart. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Gauge chart.
A value to be displayed by gauge needle. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A value to be displayed as a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the gauge needle.
Gauge axis. If not specified, the gauge displays default axis.
Options used to determine how the data are displayed in chart.
Main color of the series (hex format, e.g. "#ff0000"). The default value is pulled from the VaadinTheme colors.
Controls visibility of labels.
An abstract UI component representing any type of chart.
The chart's main title. It is recalculated on each refresh.
The chart's subtitle. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If true or unspecified, the chart legend is displayed. If false the chart legend is hidden. The chart legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each data series.
A series consisting of a list of numerical values. Numerical values (DataPoint.value) will be interpreted as Y values, and X values will be automatically calculated
The list of values.
Abstract type for all specific data series types. Data series defines a set of data points that are displayed as values in the chart.
Label of the data serie.
PlotOptions specifies how the data serie will be drawn (color, legend, linestyle, etc.).
0-based index of X axis to use for plotting (CartesianChart.xAxes[?]).
0-based index of Y axis to use for plotting (CartesianChart.yAxes[?]).
Values are defined as a map of Strings and DataPoints: the String is used as the value on the x axis and the data point defines the values on the y axis.
The map of values.
Values are defined as a map of Dates and DataPoints: the date is used as the value on the x axis and the data point defines the values on the y axis.
The map of values.
Values are defined as a map of Decimals and DataPoints: the decimal is used as the value on the x axis and the data point defines the values on the y axis.
The map of values.
Data point for chart.
Usually x coordinate of data point.
Value2 is used, e.g., if PlotOptionsBubble is used to determine diameter of bubble.
Business object which is sent in ChartClickEvent when user clicks bar\pie representing this DataPoint.
Specification of the appearance of a pie chart slice.
Label of the slice.
Determines portion of the slice.
Color of the slice. If null, the default color is used.
Business object which is sent in ChartClickEvent when user clicks pie representing this PieSlice.
Record used to specifyan axis for gauge chart.
Start angle of the polar X-axis or gauge axis, given in degrees where 0 is north. Defaults to 0.
End angle of the polar X-axis or gauge value axis, given in degrees where 0 is north. Defaults to startAngle + 360.
Center of a polar chart or angular gauge. Positions is given as percentages of the plot area size. Defaults to ['50', '50'].
Record used to specify chart axes.
The minimum value of the axis.
The maximum value of the axis.
Label of the axis.
Whether the axis is shown on the opposite side of the normal.
Bands of the axis. A plot band is a colored band stretching across the plot area marking an interval on the axis.
Record used to specify a band. A plot band is a colored band stretching across the plot area marking an interval on the axis.
Start of the band.
End of the band.
Color of the band.
Data series will be displayed as bubbles.
The data series will be displayed as area. Used data points should specify also value2.
Render only difference between DataPoint.value and DataPoint.value2.
Fill opacity for the area. Defaults to .75.
The data series will be displayed as bars.
Render only difference between DataPoint.value and DataPoint.value2.
Controls whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other.
The data series will be displayed as line.
The line style (LineStyle.solid, LineStyle.dot, ...).
With of the line in pixels. Defaults to 2.
Controls whether to render as spline.
The data series will be displayed as a scatter chart - a series of unconnected data points.
Controls whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other.
The tipe of the marker (Marker.circle, Marker.square, ...).
Marker shape used for data points
Line style used for drawing line-based charts
Base type for UI components.
Set of listeners registered on this component which listens for events emitted be this component.
Hints to be applied to this component. Recomputed on each refresh. Predefined hints are available in ui/ui.hint.
Unique identifier of the modeling element. Used in various log statements. It is possible to search by modeling id. To enable modelingId in generated html pages, use -Dcom.whitestein.lsps.vaadin.ui.debug=true jvm property.
Allows to declaratively specify, which validation errors cannot be shown on this component.
Allows to declaratively specify, which validation errors must be shown on this component.
Lists menu items which should be displayed as a context menu when the component is mouse-right-clicked. May be null.
Lists menu items which should be displayed as a context menu when the component is mouse-right-clicked. May be null. Re-computed on each right-click.
Controls the visibility of the component. The component is visible unless this closure is not null and returns false.
Record type which is used to "wrap" reusable component and define its interface.
Map, through which listener from "outside" can be registered on component within this reusable component.
Map holding listeners, which are defined withing this reusable component and can be registered on "outside" components.
Child component, i.e. the reusable component itself.
Map of "methods" which can be dynamically invoked via ui::invoke(...) method. Key of the maps is the name of the method.
The object, to be displayed as a text. See description of format property for more details. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If the closure is null, the value is calculated from the binding property.
Base on return type of content closure, format value should be:
Date: pattern that conforms with java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Decimal: pattern that conforms with java.text.DecimalFormat
Integer: pattern that conforms with java.text.DecimalFormat
String: {html, plaintext, preformatted}
for all other types {Boolean, Record, List, Set, Map, Reference, Closure, TypeNull, Object} format is ignored and core::toString() is used to transform object to text
SECURITY NOTE: be caucious about xhtml format!
html format supports:
<b> Bold
<i> Italic
<u> Underlined
<br/> Linebreak
<ul><li>item 1</li><li>item 2</li></ul> List of items
plaintext shrinks spaces, etc; preformatted keeps formating.
If used, the table will pick this field and allow automatic sorting and filtering. The referenced value is also displayed unless the content closure is specified (the content closure has higher display priority).
Label is the visible name of the component. Recalculated on each refresh.
If true, the button is disabled, i.e. it is not possible to click it. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A text to be displayed as a link. It is recalculated with each refresh.
Text shown in the tooltip. Returned string might contain some tags, for details see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent.getDescription(). It is recalculated on each refresh.
If true, the button is disabled, i.e. it is not possible to click it. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A text to be displayed within the button. It is recalculated with each refresh.
Text shown in the tooltip. Returned string might contain some tags, for details see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent.getDescription(). It is recalculated on each refresh.
Shows the error messages of all failed validators.
Determines, whether the child (content) is shown or not. It is mandatory. It is recalculated on each refresh.
The child of the Conditional.
The columns header. It is recalculated on each refresh.
The content of the TableColumn.
Whether the column is shown or not. It is recalculated on each refresh. If the column is not shown, it cannot be made visible through GUI selector.
Optional. If not specified, table column is shown. Deprecated.
The object which specifies by what to order. E.g., property Book.title.
Controls, whether ordering inferring is disabled for this column.
Definition of the filter for this column.
Controls, whether filter inferring is disabled for this column.
This closure is used to populate corresponding column of the "aggregated" row (a.k.a. reduction function). Usual toString is applied on the return value of the closure. If groupValue closure is null, then the column is just not populated with any data. Note that it is not possible to "model" cells content for aggregated rows, the cell content is always a label with value of groupValue.
Datasource of the table. Datasource can be specified by: Type<Record>, {:Collection<Object>} or {Integer,Integer:Collection<Object>}. Recalculated on each refresh.
Total count of all entries. Mandatory when table is paged and datasource provided as {Integer,Integer:Collection<Object>}. Recalculated on each refresh.
Reference, to which object for "current" row is written, when the row is being calculated\refreshed.
Reference, to which index of "current" row is written, when the row is being calculated\refreshed. Optional.
Optional. Ignored when table type is 'simple'.
If provided, table shows page with the entry with the given index.
TableType.simple - no paging
TableType.lazy - paging with scrollbar (no explicit pages)
TableType.paged - paging with explicit pages
This property is optional. If not provided, default TableType.simple is used.
Specification of columns of the table.
Reference to which a "new" Table ordering is written when changed. Can be also used to programatically change the ordering from the model or set initial ordering of the Table. Example: assume Column1 is ordered by property 'Book.Title'. If user clicks this column, new Map will be written to ordering reference. The first map entry of that map will be ['Book.Title' -> OrderDirection, ...].
Controls, whether ordering is automatically inferred. Optional. If true, sorting is automatically inferred.
Allows to completly disable ordering in the table "in one place". Optional. If true, table does not support ordering.
Reference, to which is written "new" filtering, when user selects some filter in the table. It can be used to programatically control the table filtering from the model as well as define initial table filtering. Optional.
Controls, whether filtering is automatically inferred. Optional. If false, filtering is automatically inferred.
Allows to completly disable filtering in the table "in one place". Optional. If true, table does not support filtering.
Definition of "groupping options" by which it is possible to group data in table.
Reference, to which is written "new" Table grouping, when it is changed. Can be also used to programatically change the grouping from the model or set initial grouping of the Table.
Controls, whether grouping is automatically inferred. Optional. If true, grouiping is automatically inferred.
Allows to completly disable grouping in the table "in one place". Optional. If true, table does not support grouping.
Child component of the Panel.
The title of the panel. It is recalculated on each refresh. If left empty, no title is shown in the panel.
Specifies, whether the pannel is collapsed. If the panel is collapsed, only the panel title is shown. If user un/collapses the panel, the renderer writes current collapse state into this reference and it is possible to change the collapse state from the model. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Tabs of the Tab component.
Individual cells of the Grid.
The child component.
If the closure returns a non-null value and the ViewModel is merged (by some listener), the merge is performed. See MergeType for more details.
Reference to a slot containng the value.
A text shown in the component if the binding is null. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If true, component allows 'rich' formatting of the input.
Reference to a slot containng the value.
Reference to a slot containng the selected value.
List of value options.
Reference to a slot containing a list of selected values.
List of value options.
Reference to a slot containng a set of uploaded files. It is not mandatory (newly uploaded data are received in event).
If true, it is possible to upload mutiple files, otherwise, only one file can be uploaded.
If true, upload is done to memory, otherwise, upload is done to lsps binary data.
Text displayed in the upload button. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If FileUpload.uploadToMemory = false, then data are temporarily stored in LSPS_BINARY_DATA table. FileUpload.deleteTempData is used to control whether the temporary data are automatically deleted from LSPS_BINARY_DATA by LSPS.
The deletion is done when associated http session is invalidated.
Reference to a slot containng a list of selected values.
List of value options.
Reference to a slot containng the value.
Base on binding type, format value should be:
Date: pattern that conforms with java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Decimal: pattern that conforms with java.text.DecimalFormat
Integer: pattern that conforms with java.text.DecimalFormat
String: format is ignored. However, it can contain pattern that conform with java.util.Pattern for client side validation
binding cannot reference any other type {Boolean, Record, List, Set, Map, Reference, Closure, TypeNull, Object}
This component supports client-side validation; i.e. if format is not null, JS on client will allow only to enter valid values according to format.
A text shown in the component if the binding is null. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Reference to a slot containng the value.
List of value options.
If user enters new option into the combo, this closure is invoked with user entered input and the result is written to the binding.
A text shown in the component if the binding is null. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Reference to a slot containng the selected value.
List of value options.
If true, the component is read only. Otherwise (false or unspecified), the component is read write. Recalculated on each refresh.
If true, each change of the component causes processing (data are sent to the server and response is displayed to the user). If false or unspecified, the changed data are sent to the server within the next post.
Label is the visible name of the component. Recalculated on each refresh.
If true, visual notation is shown in the UI to indicate, that this component is mandatory. Note that the actual check for the provided value must be done within the listener. This is only a VISUAL INDICATOR. Recalculated on each refresh.
Text shown as tooltip. Recalculated on each refresh. If unspecified, no tooltip is displayed.
Data through which repeater iterates. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Reference, to which object for "current" iteration is written.
Reference, to which index of "current" iteration is written. Optional.
Component which defines how the entry will be rendered.
The layout to use when laying out children. null defaults to "wrap". Not dynamically recomputed on refresh.
The title of the tab. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Content of the Tab.
Controls the visibility of the Tab. Deprecated. Use visible property instead.
Controls the visibility of the component. The component is visible unless this closure is not null and returns false.
The content of the GridItem.
0-based. Position of the GridItem within the GridLayout.
0-based. Position of the GridItem within the GridLayout.
How many rows should it span.
How many columns should it span.
Refresh is caused if the file is downloaded and there is registered listener which can handle FileDownloadEvent.
A file to be downloaded. It is recalculated on each refresh.
A text of the download link. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Tooltip of the download link. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Specifies whether the file download component is shown as a hyperlink (default), or as a button.
A file to be displayed. All usuall image formats are supported (jpeg, png, gif, ...). It is recalculated on each refresh.
The caption of the component (usually a text displayed above the image). It is recalculated on each refresh. Can be unspecified.
A tooltip of the image and altText. It is recalculated on each refresh. Can be unspecified.
If true, the button is disabled, i.e. it is not possible to click it. It is recalculated on each refresh.
Returns subclass of Navigation type, which specifies, where to navigate when this link is clicked. If is recalculated on each refresh.
A text to be displayed as a link. It is recalculated with each refresh.
Text shown in the tooltip. Returned string might contain some tags, for details see com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent.getDescription(). It is recalculated on each refresh.
Content of the Hirozontal Layout.
Label is the visible name of the component. Recalculated on each refresh.
Content of the Vertical Layout.
Label is the visible name of the component. Recalculated on each refresh.
A single option of a *List UI components.
Value itself.
Label for the value.
Drives the popup visibility. Recalculated on each refresh. If null or false, popup is not shown. Deprecated. User visible property instead.
The content of the Popup.
The title of the popup window. If unspecified, the title is left empty. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If true, the popup is modal. Recalculated on each refresh.
Reference to a slot containng the value.
Options for the given input by the user (first parameter). Second parameter of the closure is the start index and third parameter is the count of the options to be returned.
Total count of all options for the given String (entered by user into the combo box).
Closure which returns label for the given object.
If user enters new option into the combo, this closure is invoked with user entered input and the result is written to the binding.
A text shown in the component if the binding is null. It is recalculated on each refresh.
The URL to display withing the IFrame. Recalculated on each refresh.
Component which defines 'toolbar' of the Dashboard.
Invidivual widgets of the Dashboard.
The title of the widget. It is a mandatory property and is recalculated on each refresh.
Content of the Widget.
Unique identifier of the widget. It is used to to identify a changed widget in the WidgetChangeEvent.
If true, the widget is always visible in dashboard.
Configuration of widget specifying its visibility, size and position. If unspecified, the default values are used. It is recalculated on each refresh.
If true, Widget is visible.
The width of Widget in px.
The height of Widget in px.
Top position of the widget in px (0,0 -> upper, left).
Left position of the widget in px (0,0 -> upper, left).
Widget with higher zIndex is always in front of widget with lower zIndex.
If true, widget is maginized.
If false, widget is nimimized in the tray.
Width in pixels.
Height in pixels.
TreeItem is essentially a holder of various properties which constitues one item (entry) of the Tree.
The business data reference. Must not be null.
The label of the item, will be displayed in the tree.
If true, the item is initially expanded and shows its children. Defaults to false.
Parent TreeItem.
Children of this TreeItem. If null, children will be lazyly fetched when user expands 'this' TreeItem (i.e. Tree2.children closure will be invoked with 'this' TreeItem as parameter). Empty set or list means that 'this' TreeItem is leaf.
Returns children of given parent node. Accepts two parameters: first one is the parent data Object reference. Resulting list of items will be nested in this parent. May be null - in this case the root items are returned. Second parameter is the depth of the parent Object in the tree. If parent is null, depth is 0 and all its children will have depth of 1, etc.
Reference to a slot containing the value.
Returns children of given parent node. Accepts two parameters: first one is the parent data Object reference. Resulting list of items will be nested in this parent. May be null - in this case the root items are returned. Second parameter is the depth of the parent Object in the tree. If parent is null, depth is 0 and all its children will have depth of 1, etc.
The table columns definition.
The business data reference. May be null.
If true, the item is initially expanded and shows its children. Defaults to false.
Content of the Form Layout.
The geographic coordinate reference system used by the attributes is the World Geodetic System (2d) aka WGS84 aka EPSG:4326. The location on the globe is provided as a pair of two coordinates, latitude and longitude.
The latitude of the position, not null.
The longitude of the position, not null.
Contains details received from browsers HTML5 geolocation request. Note that on some devices selected fields may be null.
The geographic coordinate reference system used by the attributes is the World Geodetic System (2d) aka WGS84 aka EPSG:4326.
The geographic position, not null.
The accuracy of the position information in meters. Not null.
The height of the position, specified in meters above the ellipsoid or null if device cannot provide the information.
The accuracy of the altitude informations in meters or null.
Denotes the direction of travel of the hosting device and is specified in degrees, where 0° <= heading < 360°, counting clockwise relative to the true north. Null if device don't support it or it is not moving.
The magnitude of the horizontal component of the hosting device's current velocity and is specified in meters per second. If the implementation cannot provide speed information, the value of this attribute must be null. Otherwise, the value of the speed attribute must be a non-negative real number.
A configuration for the device providing the location information.
The enableHighAccuracy attribute provides a hint that the application would like to receive the best possible results.
This may result in slower response times or increased power consumption. The user might also deny this capability,
or the device might not be able to provide more accurate results than if the flag wasn't specified.
The intended purpose of this attribute is to allow applications to inform the implementation that they
do not require high accuracy geolocation fixes and, therefore, the implementation can avoid using geolocation
providers that consume a significant amount of power (e.g. GPS). This is especially useful for applications running
on battery-powered devices, such as mobile phones.
If the PositionOptions parameter to getCurrentPosition or watchPosition is omitted, the default value used for the enableHighAccuracy attribute is false.
The same default value is used in ECMAScript when the enableHighAccuracy property is omitted.
The timeout attribute denotes the maximum length of time (expressed in milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call
to getCurrentPosition() or watchPosition() until the corresponding successCallback is invoked. If the implementation is unable to
successfully acquire a new Position before the given timeout elapses, and no other errors have occurred in this interval,
then the corresponding errorCallback must be invoked with a PositionError object whose code attribute is set to TIMEOUT.
Note that the time that is spent obtaining the user permission is not included in the period covered by the timeout attribute.
The timeout attribute only applies to the location acquisition operation.
If the PositionOptions parameter to getCurrentPosition or watchPosition is omitted,
the default value used for the timeout attribute is Infinity. If a negative value is supplied, the timeout value is considered to be 0.
The same default value is used in ECMAScript when the timeout property is omitted.
The maximumAge attribute indicates that the application is willing to accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds.
If maximumAge is set to 0, the implementation must immediately attempt to acquire a new position object. Setting the maximumAge to Infinity must determine
the implementation to return a cached position regardless of its age. If an implementation does not have a cached
position available whose age is no greater than the specified maximumAge, then it must acquire a new position object.
In case of a watchPosition(), the maximumAge refers to the first position object returned by the implementation.
If the PositionOptions parameter to getCurrentPosition or watchPosition is omitted, the default value used for
the maximumAge attribute is 0. If a negative value is supplied, the maximumAge value is considered to be 0.
The same default value is used in ECMAScript when the maximumAge property is omitted.
The Geolocator extension can be used to detect the client's geographical location, direction, altitude, etc.
Detects the current geographic location of the client. Set to true and refresh this component to perform the detection. The detection happens asynchronously and the position is reported to GeolocationListener as a GeolocationEvent. Note that this only checks the position once, you need to call this method multiple times if you want to update the location as the client moves. User may reject the position detection, in which case the event is fired, with GeolocationEvent.failure set to GeolocationError.PermissionDenied.
A closure which retrieves position gathering options. The closure may return null.
The marker title.
The marker location.
If not null, this HTML code is displayed when the marker is clicked.
If true, this marker can be dragged to a different location. When dragged, the MarkerDraggedEvent event is fired.
Displays an OpenStreetMap map.
Upon refreshing, asks for the new coordinates to center on. If null is received, no centering is performed.
Upon refreshing, asks for the zoom. If null is received, no zoom change is performed.
Upon refreshing, asks for a list of markers to show. Old markers are removed from the map. If null is received, no markers are shown.
Converts business data to marker.
A closure which returns the data displayed in calendar. The result depends on start and end dates of the displayed period, both specified as closure parameters.
A closure that transforms an underlying business object to a calendar item.
A date on which the calendar is initially opened. If not specified, the calendar is opened at the current date.
If true, Calendar is read only. Otherwise (false or unspecified), Calendar is read write. Recalculated on each refresh.
Calculated on refresh. If the closure is null or if it returns a non-null value, the calendar component is switched to given mode.
Caption of the calendar item.
Description of the calendar item.
Start date of the calendar item.
Finish date of the calendar item.
If true, the calendar item represents the all day event, ie., time of the from and to fields is ignored. If false, the calendar item takes into account also the time of the from and to fields.
The style name of event. In the HTML-based client, the style name will be set as the event's element class name and can be styled by CSS. For example, setting this value to "color1" will attach "v-calendar-event-color1" CSS class name to the HTML element and can be further styled using CSS.
The caption of the menu item.
This value will be present in MenuEvent when the menu item is clicked.
May optionally contain child menu items. MenuEvent is fired for "leaf" menu items only - it is not fired for menu items which contains submenu items.
String which will be used as html class in generated html.
Root elements of the Tree (yes, tree can have multiple root elements).
Closure, which returns for given TreeItem its children. If the given TreeItem has no children (i.e. it is a leaf), the closure should return empty set or list.
Reference to which the data object of TreeItem is written when it is selected.
Root elements of the TreeTable.
Closure, which returns for given TreeItem its children. If the given TreeItem has no children (i.e. it is a leaf), the closure should return empty set or list.
Reference, to which object for "current" row is written.
Reference, to which TreeItem for "current" row is written.
Definition of columns of the TreeTable.
Reference to which a "new" TreeTable ordering is written when it is changed. Can be also used to programatically change the ordering from the model or set initial ordering. Example: assume Column1 is ordered by property 'Book.Title'. If user clicks this column, new Map will be written to ordering reference. The first map entry of that map will be ['Book.Title' -> OrderDirection, ...].
Controls, whether filtering is automatically inferred. Optional. If false, filtering is automatically inferred.
Allows to completly disable filtering in the tree table "in one place". Optional. If true, tree table does not support filtering.
Used when one wants to use his own FilterUI specified through CustomFilter.ui. The CustomFilter.filterText is displayed in the table header when the filter is active.
UI component used to display the custom filter.
Displayed text of the filter.
Whether to display CustomFilter.ui in the popup.
Used to filter String. The usual string% filtering.
The substring to filter by.
An abstract type used to define filter of table column.
Abstract supertype for all concrete definitions of the filter UI.
Allows to define filter by property. Only meaningful Property can be entered (i.e. property of simple comparable type). Filtering form will be automatically inferred from the type of the property (if it is not explicitly specified via PropertyFilter.ui). E.g. if getPropertyType(propertyFilter.p) == Integer then NumericFilterUI is used.
The property to filter by.
A simple combobox which allows to filter by predefined set of options.
Allows to filter by return value of the closure. Input parameter is a "business object", return value is value to filter upon (some simple comparable type).
The closure which computes value to filter upon.
Used to filter Integers, Decimals. Allows to filter by >, <, ==.
Less than value.
Equal value.
More than value.
Used to filter dates.
Less than date.
More than date.
Used to filter string values by regexp.
The regexp (java.util.regex.Pattern).
This record type allows to define group by "computed" value.
The closure which defines the grouping. Return value should be only of comparable types, i.e. Boolean, Date, Decimal, Integer, Enum, String.
An abstract type used to define grouping of table data.
Label of the group user will see in UI.
This record type is used to define group by property.
The property which defines the grouping. e.g. Book.Title.
This is the same as ClosureGroupSpec but allows for "better performance".
The input is set of objects to be grouped in one pass.
This record holds column state. It can be used to store or restore the table column's state.
The identifier of the table column.
Enumerates all possible causes of a geolocation retrieval failure.
An unknown error occurred.
The user declined access to their position.
The browser was unable to locate the user.
The browser was unable to locate the user in the time specified in the PositionOptions.timeout
The browser does not support geolocation retrieval.
Specifies the merge algorithm used by a particular ViewModel when a ViewModel merge is requested in a Listener.
Merges one level down towards the screen context (corresponds to the deprecated setting mergeToTopLevel = false)
Evaluation context and any lower execution contexts are merged to the screen context.
Defines the table type and the way the table accesses the data.
A simple table, which reads all data rows from the underlying data source and holds them in-memory. By default the table wraps and shows all rows. When the height is set to fill-parent, the table is able to scroll its contents.
A lazy table with a scrollbar
Upon scrolling, the table polls the data source for data. The data is internally retrieved in pages or batches of 30 rows. You can use the initial-page-size hint to modify the batch size. As a rule of thumb, the page size should be twice as big as the number of rows shown in the table.
A paged table with no scrollbar
The page shows 20 items at most by default; this can be changed by the initial-page-size hint value. Paging controls are displayed below the table, which allows the user to move to the next/last/previous/first page.
The ordering direction of the Table Column; similar to SQL ORDER BY.
The data is sorted in ascending order.
The data is sorted in descending order.
Defines the layout of child UI components in the repeater.
The default layout behavior
Children are positioned horizontally until there is no more space - in such a case a next row is started. To activate this mode, you need to set the child's width to wrap-content; If the child has the width of fill_parent, the children are laid out vertically.
Lays out children horizontally. Equal to HorizontalLayout.
Lays out children vertically. Equal to VerticalLayout.
The FileDownload component style
The FileDownload component is rendered as a hyperlink (default).
The FileDownload component is rendered as a button.
The display mode of the Calendar component
The calendar shows a single day, in a single column, with hours displayed as rows.
The calendar shows seven days in seven columns, with hours displayed as rows.
The calendar shows all days of a particular month, as a grid of tiles.
Predefined notification types
Each notification type has its distinctive UI look, default screen position and behavior (for example, an Info notification fades away automatically while an Error notification is displayed until the user clicks the notification).
Information notification. See https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/user-notifications-with-vaadin for examples.
By default, notification with this type disappears immediately (that is, it slowly fades in and immediately, with no delay, starts fading out) . The nofication is shown in the middle center part of the screen by default.
Warning notification. See https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/user-notifications-with-vaadin for examples.
By default, notification with this type disappears after 1,5 second and is shown in the middle center part of the screen.
Error notification. See https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/user-notifications-with-vaadin for examples.
By default, notification with this type requires user click to disappear and is shown in the middle center part of the screen.
Bottom-right small notification. See https://vaadin.com/blog/-/blogs/user-notifications-with-vaadin for examples.
By default, this notification disappears after 3 seconds and is shown in the bottom-right corner.
The notification position in the browser tab
Event fired by input components when their value is changed.
Component that produced the event.
Value before it was changed.
Value after it was changed.
Event fired by e.g. button, link when it is clicked.
Component that produced the event.
Event fired when file is downloaded through FileDownload component.
Component that produced the event.
Event fired by "all" components when they change their visibility.
Component that produced the event.
True for a component displayed for the first time (the property is true also when a hidden component is displayed for the first time).
True for a component displayed for the first time or for the first time after save
Event fired from FileUpload component when file is uploaded.
Component that produced the event.
Set of uploaded files.
Error message returned if the upload fails.
Custom name of the ApplicationEvent.
Custom event data.
Abstract supertype of all Events.
Event fired when bar\pie\... is clicked in chart.
Component that produced the event.
Label of data series that was clicked.
Key value for the data point.
First value defining the data point.
Second value defining the data point.
Payload of the data point.
Event fired when widget of dashboard is moved, resized, etc.
Component that produced the event.
ID of the widget that produced the event set in the Widget ID parameter.
Widget configuration with details about the widget position and size.
The CalendarCreateEvent is fired by a calendar component when the user clicks and drags over a period in a calendar. The event holds the selection data as its payload and the data can be used to create a new calendar entry.
Start date of the selected period.
End date of the selected period.
If the entry is a whole-day event (if selected across days, the entry is an allDay entry; if the selected area is across hours, the allDay property is false and the exact hours are included).
The CalendarEditEvent is fired by a calendar component when a calendar entry is clicked. Note that the event has as its payload the business object of the calendar entry that was clicked.
Business object of the calendar entry that was clicked.
The CalendarRescheduleEvent is fired by the calendar component when a calendar entry is dragged-and-dropped to a different date. Note that the event has as its payload the business object of the rescheduled calendar entry.
Start date of the new period.
End date of the new period.
Business object of the calendar entry that was rescheduled.
The MapClickedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user clicks into the map.
Component that produced the event.
Point that was clicked.
The MarkerClickedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user clicks a marker.
Component that produced the event.
Underlying marker business object (the respective object of the set defined in the Markers property of the Map Display component).
The MarkerDraggedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user drag-and-drops a marker.
Component that produced the event.
Underlying marker business object (the respective object of the set defined in the Markers property of the Map Display component).
New marker position after dropped.
The GeolocationEvent is fired by the Geolocator component after the component has acquired the geographical position of the user or when the request for location times out.
Component that produced the event.
When a geolocation request succeeds, this value will contain a non-null position.
When a geolocation request fails, this field will contain the error cause.
Fired by menu item when it is clicked.
The component which has the menu attached.
The value of MenuItem.id.
The component which has the menu attached
The value of MenuItem.id
The component which has the menu attached
The value of MenuItem.id
Fired by Tree component when some TreeItem is selected.
Component that produced the event.
Event-related TreeItem.
This event is only fired when the user clicks the X (close) popup button. It is not fired when the popup is closed because its visiblity has been set to false.
Component that produced the event.
The component which has the menu attached.
The value of MenuItem.id.
Event fired by input text components when the text inside them is changed. The event is fired asynchronously, a new one can be fired even if the old one is still being processed.
Component that produced the event.
Current content of the text field.
Abstract supertype of all listeners.
Set of components to refresh.
Set of components to process in request-responce lifecycle. Events from other components will be ignored.
Closure, which returns validation errors.
Listener will not execute if specified components are not visible.
If true, listener is executed even in the case some validations failed in 'Validate II' phase (however, all validations on this listener must pass). Otherwise (null, false), should the listener be executed in 'Handle ActionEvents' phase, it is only executed if all validations from all listeners passed in the 'Validate II' phase (i.e. outcome of 'Validation II' phase is success). Default is null/false.
Execution context of the listener. If not specified, listener is executed in the context of component on which it is registered.
Modeling id which is used in exceptions, etc. to identify the listener.
Set of actions to be executed.
Listener gets executed only if event passes eventFilter (if specified).
If true, listener is executed even in the case some components are invalid (has unparsable values, such as 'a' for integer/date field). Default is null/false.
Listener which listens for ValueChangeEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for InitEvent.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for any type of Event.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for ActionEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for FileDownloadEvent.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for FileUploadEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for ApplicationEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Name of the ApplicationEvent for which this listener listens.
Listener which listens for ChartClickEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for WidgetChangeEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for CalendarRescheduleEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for CalendarCreateEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for CalendarEditEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for MapClickedEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for MarkerClickedEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for MarkerDraggedEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for GeolocationEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Action which allows to navigate to other target (e.g. todo, document, ...).
Closure which returns navigation target.
Abstract supertype for all Actions.
Persist action causes the data to be stored to database.
Closure, which is executed after the persist happened.
Action performed on view mode.
Specified view models will be cleared.
Specified view models will be merged.
Closure, which is usually used to initialize view model after it was cleared.
Action which causes submit of document or todo. With submit also persist is performed.
Save action which results in save of current todo or document.
Closure, which receives saved document or todo object as parameter and is usually used to associate saved document\todo with business data.
Abstract supertype of all validation error types.
Components, on which the validation error is shown (i.e. it might be automatically placed on some component based on binding).
Validation errors produced by contraints.
Validation errors produced by UI validators.
Error message.
Components, on which validation error should be displayed.
Listener which listens for MenuEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for TreeEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for PopupCloseRequestEvents.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.
Listener which listens for AsynchronousTextChangeEvents. The events are fired asynchronously, a new one can be fired even if the old one is still being processed.
Closure that is executed when listener is fired.