Utility function which adds component specified in third parameter to map of registrationPoints under the key key. Deprecated.
Utility function which adds listener specified in third parameter to map of publishedListeners under the key key. Deprecated.
Returns a string used to represent a color given by red, green and blue components. Each color component is an integer from interval 0 to 255. The result has form of usual hexadecimal color representation, e.g., "#ff0000" for red.
If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message. Otherwise it returns null.
If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message and placement. Otherwise it returns null.
If the given message is not null, this function returns a UIValidationError with a given message and placement. Otherwise it returns null.
Retrieves the size, in DPIs, of the current browser window.
Shows a simple notification to the user. Must be called from UI listener.
Dynamically adds a tab to given tabbed layout. If the tab is already present in the tabbed layout, this function does nothing.
Dynamically removes a tab to given tabbed layout. If the tab is not yet present in the tabbed layout, this function does nothing.
Selects given tab on given tabbed layout. Does nothing if the tabbed layout does not contain such tab.
Executes "Container methods".
Returns top most components.
Returns top most containers.
Slates given components for refresh. The components are refreshed when the listener ends.
Persists immediately.
Requests submit after all listeners are processed
Requests submit and navigation after all listeners are processed
Merges given view models to upper levels (one level up).
Clears given view models.
Maps given constraint violations to Vaadin components, according to the exclude/include rules.
Creates a Vaadin instance of popup, bound to given definition record, and shows it. Does nothing if there already is popup bound to this instance of definition record.
Hides Vaadin popup, bound to given definition record, and destroys it. Does nothing if there is no popup registered to given record.
Creates a Vaadin instance for given component definition and adds it to given layout.
Creates a Vaadin instance for given table column definition and adds it to given table. Does nothing if there already is table column present for given definition.
Removes and destroys given component. If called from a listener, the "where" parameter is ignored. When called from form initializer, "where" must point to "what"'s parent.
Removes all children from given container. Only horizontal layout, vertical layout and form layout are supported.
Returns the current list of table columns of a given Table or TreeTable2. This may differ to the 'columns' property if the column list has been altered dynamically.
Returns the state of columns of a Table or TreeTable2. The state can be restored to the table by calling 'restoreColumnStates' function.
Restore the state to the table columns. The state of table columns can be obtained by calling 'getColumnStates' function.
Returns the current list of tabs of a given TabbedLayout. This may differ to the 'tabs' property if the tab list has been altered dynamically.
Returns the current list of children of a given layout component. This may differ to the 'children' property if the child list has been altered dynamically.