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LSPS Documentation

To set up your environment, you will first of all need either to generate sources of a new LSPS Application or import an existing LSPS Application.

The application sources come in a set of projects with the exposed API and maven dependencies:

  • ear: project for building the LSPS Application EAR archive
  • ejb: Java classes implementing custom items
  • embedded: SDK Embedded Server files with the embedded-server launcher
  • tester: JUnit testing resources
  • vaadin: web application resources with JavaScript and Java classes
  • vaadin-war: project for building the WAR archive with presentation resources including Vaadin themes.

Recommended Structure

Consider keeping the LSPS Application and related resources in a dedicated directory, for example, java, and your modules in another directory, to allow for better manageability.

Example project structure

Example project structure