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Model Design

When designing your models and related resources for the Living Systems® Process Suite, you will do so in the integrated development environment Living Systems® Designer , a programming platform.

To create a model, first you need to create the model structure: projects with modules. Then you can create the content of your model in dedicated definition files. The definition files will hold the elements and their properties needed by your model.

You model can contain and make use of the following:

To integrate you models with external systems, you can use

It is recommended to use a version control system, such as git to store your models: Make sure to track .project directories of your models.

Note that you can import and export the resources.

Your resources will rely on the resources of the Standard Library. Apart from the Standard Library, you can use other out-of-the-box libraries.

Once your model is ready, you can present it in the Business Modeling perspective.