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When the user performs an action on a form component, such as, changing a value, clicking a button, moving a widget, etc. the component produces an event of a type: the type depends on the action. The produced event holds data about the actions.

If the component has a listener that is listening for an event of the given type, it catches the event. These caught events are add to the event queue. Most events, called immediate events, trigger the request-response cycle and hence are processed immediately along with all the events in the event queue. If the event is not immediate, it waits in the queue until an intermediate event enters the queue and triggers the request-response cycle.

Some event types are immediate by default; other event types are non-immediate and can be set as immediate explicitly if required.

All queued events are processed simultaneously: the way the events are handled and the actions they cause are defined by the listeners that caught them; for example, a listener can request refreshing of form components, data validation, etc.

Events have their properties stored in their fields: for example, the ChartClickEvent contains fields with details on where exactly on the chart the click occurred so the listener can define different actions depending on the location where the user clicked.

Form components produce events of different types depending on the action that created the event. Here is a brief summary:

  • All form components
    • InitEvent produced when a component is initialized (a form or a previously hidden component is shown)
    • ApplicationEvent produced by any event as part of the event processing

      Application events can be fired by an event of any type and is broadcast to all form components.

  • All input components

    • ValueChangeEvent produced when the user changes a value in an input component

    The time when the change-value event is processed depends on the setting of immediate mode.

  • Button and Action Links
    • ActionEvent produced when the user clicks an Action Component
  • File Download
    • FileDownloadEvent produced when the user clicks a file-download button of a file-download component
  • File Upload
    • FileUploadEvent produced on file-upload completion
  • Text Box and Text Area
    • AsynchronousValueChangeEvent produced on every key stroke
  • All Chart components
    • ChartClickEvent produced when the user clicks a chart
  • Widget
    • WidgetChangeEvent produced when the user adds a widget to the dashboard, resizes, moves, or hides a widget
  • Calendar
    • CalendarCreate event produced when the user selects a time period by clicking and dragging
    • CalendarEdit event produced when the user clicks a calendar entry
    • CalendarReschedule event produced when the user drags a calendar entry
  • Geolocator
    • Geolocation event produced when the Geolocator component acquires user's location
  • Map Display
    • MapClickedEvent produced when the user clicks on the map
    • MarkerClickEvent produced when the user clicks on a map marker
    • MarkerDraggedEvent produced when the user drags a map marker
  • Table of the Paged Type
    • TablePageSizeChangeEvent produced when the user changes the size of the table page
  • Tree
    • TreeEvent produced when the user expands or collapses a tree item, be it in a tree or a tree table component
  • Popup
    • PopupCloseRequestEvent produced when the user clicks the close button in a popup
  • Context menu
    • MenuEvent produced when the user clicks an item in the context menu
  • Grid Column
    • RendererClickEvent produced when the user clicks an item in the Grid Column


The InitEvent is fired when a component is displayed, be it for the first time or after it was saved or when it became visible.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event
isFirstLoad Boolean true for a component displayed for the first time (the property is true also when a hidden component is displayed for the first time)
isFirstLoadAfterSave Boolean true for a component displayed for the first time or for the first time after save


The ValueChangeEvent is fired when the user changes a value in an input component or when they select an option.

When the ValueChangeEvent is actually processes and takes effect depends on whether its input component is in immediate mode, which is defined by the Immediate property of the component.

When the component has the Immediate property set to true, the event is processed as follows:

  • If on a Text Box or Text Area, the event is produced and handled as defined by the event-processing cycle, when the component loses focus, that is, after you had edited the value of the component and clicked out of the component or pressed Enter.
  • If on Lists, Check and Combo Boxes, the event is produced and handled as defined by the event-processing cycle, when an item is selected.

If the property is set to false, then the event is produced at the same time but remains unhandled, that is, the request-response cycle is not triggered: Instead it is added to an event queue. The queued events are processed on the next run of the request-response cycle, that is, when a ValueChangeEvent with activated immediate mode or an event of another type is handled. This typically happens when the user confirms the value changes by clicking a button with an ActionListener.

When a ValueChangeEvent occurs, the new value undergoes conversion validation. On conversion validation, the server checks, if the new value has the correct form. If this validation fails, the component is marked as invalid and the ValueChangeEvent, any ApplicationEvents and ActionEvents are not processed any further. Otherwise, the events are processed.

Note that when you change a value in an input component, the value change is applied on the bound entity, such as, a variable, even if no listener for the value change event exists. To prevent this behavior, use nested contexts.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event
oldValue Object Object with the value before change
newValue Object Object with the value after change


The AsynchronousValueChangeEvent is fired and processed immediately when the user changes a value in a Text Box or Text Area component.

The event is fired asynchronously: a new one can be fired even if the old one is still being processed.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event
text String String with the input


The ActionEvent is fired when an action or image component is clicked, when a file upload is started, and when ENTER is pressed on the TextBox component.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event


The FileDownloadEvent is fired when the File Download component is clicked.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event


The FileUploadEvent is fired when file uploading finishes. Note that on upload start, an ActionEvent is fired.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event
uploadedFiles Set<Files> Set of uploaded files
errorMessage String Error message returned if the upload fails


The ChartClickEvent is fired when a data point of a chart element is clicked.

The event contains the data series, key, and values of the clicked chart location. This allows you to implement, for example, data drill-down.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component that produced the event
series String Label of data series that was clicked
key Object Key value for the data point
value Decimal First value defining the data point
value2 Decimal Second value defining the data point
payload Object Payload of the data point


The WidgetChangeEvent is fired when a widget is added, removed, resized, moved, or hidden.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent widget component that produced the event
widgetId String ID of the widget that produced the event set in the Widget ID parameter
configuration WidgetConfiguration Widget configuration with details about the widget visualization properties


The CalendarCreateEvent is fired by a calendar component when the user clicks and drags over a period in a calendar. The event holds the selection data as its payload and the data can be used to create a new calendar entry.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Calendar Calendar component that produced the event
from Date Start date of the selected period
to Date End date of the selected period
allDay Boolean If the entry is a whole-day event (if selected across days, the entry is an allDay entry; if the selected area is across hours, the allDay property is false and the exact hours are included)


The CalendarEditEvent is fired by a calendar component when a calendar entry is clicked. Note that the event has as its payload the business object of the calendar entry that was clicked.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Calendar Calendar component that produced the event
data Object Business object of the calendar entry that was clicked


The CalendarRescheduleEvent is fired by the calendar component when a calendar entry is dragged-and-dropped to a different date. Note that the event has as its payload the business object of the rescheduled calendar entry.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Calendar Calendar component that produced the event
from Date Start date of the new period
to Date End date of the new period
data Object Business object of the calendar entry that was rescheduled


The GeolocationEvent is fired by the Geolocator component after the component has acquired the geographical position of the user or when the request for location times out.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Geolocator Geolocator component that produced the event
position Geoposition Data on position including latitude and longitude, speed, altitude, etc.
failure GeolocatorError Type of error if locating failed


The MapClickedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user clicks into the map.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source MapDisplay Map Display component that produced the event
point GeographicCoordinate point that was clicked


The MarkerClickedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user clicks a marker.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source MapDisplay Map Display component that produced the event
makerData Object underlying marker business object (the respective object of the set defined in the Markers property of the Map Display component)


The MarkerDraggedEvent is fired by the Map Display component when the user drag-and-drops a marker.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source MapDisplay Map Display component that produced the event
makerData Object underlying marker business object (the respective object of the set defined in the Markers property of the Map Display component)
newLocation GeographicCoordinate new marker position after dropped


The MenuEvent is fired when the user clicks an item in the context menu.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Component with the context menu
id Object id of the clicked MenuItem object


The TreeEvent is fired when the user expands or collapses a tree item, be it in a tree or a tree table component.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source UIComponent Parent Tree or TreeTable of the treeItem
treeItem TreeItem TreeItem object that produced the event


The TablePageSizeChangeEvent is fired when the user changes the size of a paged table.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Table Parent Table
pageSize Integer page size after the change


The PopupCloseRequestEvent is fired when the user clicks the close button in the caption of a popup component.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source Popup Popup that requested close


The RendererClickEvent is fired when the user clicks an item that uses the renderer in a Grid column.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
source GridCellRenderer The renderer of the clicked Grid cell
rowObject Object The object of the clicked row


The ApplicationEvent can be produced by any listener: it is the only event, the user can define out-of-the-box: When a listener catches its event, it can fire an ApplicationEvent as part of its logic. The event can be caught by any ApplicationEvent listener in the form, and that including listeners on any hidden components and reused forms.

Table with event properties

Property Data Type Description
eventName String Custom name of the ApplicationEvent
payload Object Custom event data

For example, let's assume a form for placing orders. It contains multiple nested reusable forms: one contains customer details, another ordered items, and the last one invoicing details. All three reusable forms need to be validated before the order can be placed. The Place Order button located in the parent form, will fire an ApplicationEvent that will be handled by ApplicationEventListeners on the reusable forms. The listeners will trigger validation and any other actions needed as part of the event handling.

To distinguish application events, use the event fields.

For example, let us assume an application form with personal details, application details has Reject and Accept buttons, and a Reusable form with additional data on reject. If the user rejects the application, the provided data must be validated and the reject form must appear and they must provide the relevant rejection data. If they accept the application, no comment is required. However, all other components must be still validated.

The underlying form will define the two buttons with listeners that throw the OnSubmit ApplicationEvent. However, the Reject button will throw an ApplicationEvent with the REJECT value as its payload field, while the Accept button throws an ApplicationEvent with the ACCEPT value as its payload field. The input component for the comment must therefore define an ApplicationListener that will check that the ApplicationEvent payload is ACCEPT or if the payload is REJECT, it will check that the comment component is not empty.