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LSPS configuration is generally stored in the LSPS_SETTINGS database table and can be changed directly in the database or via JMX. For some settings, the server needs to be restarted: the applicable information is provided with individual settings.

In addition, debugging settings are passed as system properties to the server, that is, in the format -Dkey=value.

LSPS Application settings in jconsole

General Database Settings


  • When true, strings longer that the length defined in database are cut.
  • When false, write of such strings results in an error.

Default setting: false

The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).


  • When true, unsupported XML characters are replaced with the replacement character \uFFFD on model-instance marshalling.
  • When false, unsupported XML characters cause an exception on model-instance marshalling.

Default setting: false

The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).

Model Related Settings


  • When true, models with the drop-create strategy can be uploaded.
  • When false and the user attempts to upload a model with the drop-create strategy, the upload fails with an exception.

Default setting: true

When changed in the LSPS_SETTINGS table, the change is reflected in runtime immediately.


SQL that returns IDs of model that should be loaded on server launch.

The setting is loaded only on server launch.


  • When true, the user is prompted to confirm model upload on each upload.

The setting is loaded on server launch and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).

Default setting: false


  • When serialize, models are serialized on upload.

Default setting: serialize

When changed in the LSPS_SETTINGS table, the change is reflected in runtime immediately.

User Tracking


  • When true, periods when the user is active are logged in the LSPS_USER_ACTIVITY_TRACK table.

Default setting: false


  • Time period in milliseconds: if a user is idle for the specified time period, logged period of activity is finished (the user is considered inactive).

Default setting: 600000 (10 minutes)

Note: You can access the user-activity data through the UserTrack shared record.


INTERPRETATION_STRATEGY (InterpretationStrategy)

Interpretation strategy of the LSPS Execution Engine

  • When set to FULL_PARALLEL, Goal conditions are checked whenever any of the Goals changes its status or a token is moved.
  • When set to BPMN_FIRST, the engine first pushes all the tokens as far as possible in Plans and only then checks Goals and their conditions.

Default setting: FULL_PARALLEL

The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).

TIMER_INTERVAL (TimerInterval)

The smallest interval for sending a timed trigger in milliseconds. If there are multiple time notifications scheduled for a Model instance (for example, by multiple Timer Intermediate Events), and the time difference between the notifications is smaller that the TIMER_INTERVAL value, the notifications are merged into one (multiple Timer Intermediate Events are notified by a single timer notification)

If set to 0, timer notifications are not merged.

Default setting: 0

The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).


Availability of Hibernate statistics (equivalent of hibernate.generate_statistics)

The option is by default disabled.You can enable it from JConsole: you can enable the setting for individual modules from the MBeans tab under com.whitestein.lsps > Statistics > MODULE > Attributes > StatisticsEnabled. To enable the setting for the entire application, modify the file in the application EAR (lsps-app-ear/lsps-app-ejb.jar/

Do not enable the setting in production environments since it can cause performance issues.


Logging and Exceptions


If set to true, model instance state is dumped when an exception occurs. The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).

Default setting: false


Whether to allow entry of log events in to the LSPS_PROCESS_LOG table. The events include information about model and process instantiation, any state changes of process elements, etc.

Possible values:

  • MODULE: the setting of the module is respected.
  • YES: process logs are created for all modules regardless of the Create process log module setting.
  • NO: process logs are not created for any modules regardless of the Create process log module setting.

For production environments, consider using the NO setting.

Default setting: MODULE

Important: If process logs are not created, BAM reports will not contain relevant data and no details on model instances is available (the data is used, for example, in the Model Instance views of the Management perspective). The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).


Number of lines before and after the statement with the problem included in the stack trace (0 means all: the entire expression is returned). The setting is loaded on server startup and can be changed in runtime via JMX (When changed via JMX, the database value remains unchanged).

Default setting: -1


The debugging parameters are passed as JVM properties -Dkey=value.

Important: In production, the debugging parameters must not be active.

  • com.whitestein.lsps.vaadin.ui.debug

If true, modeling ID is used as Vaadin debug ID on all Vaadin components

  • lspsDebug

If true, the Execution Engine runs in debug mode (usually activated in combination with remote socket debugging).

  • lspsProfile

If set to true, profiler is enabled.